Basic Stamp programming assistance or contracting?
I have a product that is utilizing the Basic Stamp (BS2) processor and I need some help with fine tuning the program. I have about 30 of these devices out in the field and they are working well. I have maxed out the memory available in the processor and I would like to see if it could be consolidated and improved. What would this require and does anyone have any recommendations? We could work out an hourly rate or pay by the job as necessary. Any help would be greatly appreciated,.
What I've noticed recently is that DEBUG statements left in a program when not needed, suck up very much of the EEPROM memory.
My skills in this area are somewhat limited, but If you look through your program once again, It's possible
that you could trim some fat.
I hope this helps you in some manner.
You will find the Instructable, the YouTube videos and the code in the original post and my last reply. At the end of the Instructable are some features that I would like to introduce in later versions.
I am currently working my way through the StampWorks book and have found it to be very good in covering a lot of ground as well as some of the basics. "What's a Microcontroller" is a good beginner's book, but I take it that you are past the beginner stage.
I think that there is a section in the StampWorks book or the "Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual" that covers conditional DEBUG statements where you can just change a constant and have the DEBUG statements disappear. I am unsure if these statements take up programming space but they will speed up your program in a hurry once the DEBUGs are no longer taking up time.