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Car GPS Revisited — Parallax Forums

Car GPS Revisited

ajwardajward Posts: 1,129
edited 2013-01-15 18:24 in Accessories
A while back, I used a Parallax module to put together a GPS receiver for my car. Not fancy, built on my large breadboard with two Prop chips and a lot of jumpers connected to an R/C battery pack. Set it up on the dash of the truck and it seemed to work well.

After several months of gathering dust, I decided to start twiddling with the thing again, but I saw some problems... a somewhat complex electronic device with wires connected to several cylindrical objects wrapped in plastic just might not be the look I should be trying for!

Rejiggered the GPS module and LCD display to fit on a remote chassis and I could tuck the processors and battery pack away out of sight.

The grand plan is to put everything inside a box of some sort, but I do kinda like the look of the bare modules sitting there and I'm certain some other distraction will come along before I can accomplish that. :-(

1024 x 612 - 54K


  • garyggaryg Posts: 420
    edited 2013-01-15 18:24
    Why TWO Prop chips?
    Are you using lots of I/O?
    I've been building my boxes lately out of 1/16th hobby plywood and epoxy.
    Construction goes pretty fast and I get the exact size I want.
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