Self-Balancing Unicycle

I know Ken prefers the old-school version, but if anybody else has $1800 burning a hole in their pocket...
Seeing that I suddenly don't feel so bad about the money I've spent on my robotics hobby.
What's the next find, erco? I'm waiting!
I agree. My grandaughter is 11 and has been able to ride a unicycle since she was 7. I was so impressed with what she was doing with her school unicycle that I bought her a real fancy one off EBay. It was a little more than $80.00 but WELL worth it to watch her on it!!!!!
Hmmm. Non-electronic, but today's erco-approved Ebay deals are:
Spenco running shoe insoles, free Priority ship, $12.50 ($20 @Sport Chalet):
A $12 parafoil kite:
and Dr. Amy's real $3 stethoscope (as inspired by "Elmo Goes to the Doctor"):
Of course I destroyed the cheap unicycle that my parents bought me in the course of doing this; I had no real teacher and learned by the "if you fall try something else" method. (Buying it was a bit of a dare on their part, I think. I was a born nerd and I think they were astonished that I took any interest in something like that.) Like NWCCTV they bought me a nice Schwinn to celebrate my success.
Nowadays I'd probably put myself in the hospital if I tried to ride that wheel again, though.