ASC++ ?
Are there any plans to recast the ASC+ using the P2? Seems that there is more than enough I/O avaialable on the P2 to make a really nice host for Arduino compatible boards and also have plenty of pins available for sound, video, keyboard, mouse etc.
The title is a very interesting name
I'd love to see a P2 ASC or DNA also. How would the header pins be laid out though?
At the risk of causing all kinds of trouble, I hearby claim copyleft-and-right on the term "ASC++"
There is a bigger Arduino footprint of course such as on the Arduino Mega or DUE pinout.
A DNA (Propeller Platform) footprint will be harder to figure out - I would get rid of the dual-row headers first and use stackers.
Regarding roses. They are a great lesson in beauty because to enjoy them fully means that you should know how to handle them - there is an analogy there for many, many things (and cheap song-writing fodder). I firmly believe that unless you have been pricked at least once that your life is not complete since you would have no basis for any fulfilling comparisons.
Like your observations on roses too.
There is already both C and C++ for P1 and C is working on P2 as well. C++ for P2 will come shortly.
I was keeping C/C++ for Px at arms length until the dust settled around that front some. Could be time to jump in though.
I'm not really a C programmer and I even like using it (in my own stilted manner)!
(And, no, I won't be calling it the "Analog Super Shield"...)
Sounds good! (are you claiming copyright on that?)
D2NAE (DNA2NAE?) - DNA2 Not Arduino Either - these recursive acronyms break down at some point.
RNA (Really Not Arduino)
AS2C | ! AS2C
that is the question
...sorry William.....
A P2 version of this would probably eliminate the peripherals and CPLD in favor of the added Arduino Mega headers that populate the right hand third of the board.
Do you mean that you would remove connections/support-for a memory card, video, audio, keyboard and mouse etc? Just trying to understand what you mean (I swear some days it feels like I am ESL)
As you probably know the 2560 is widely used with 3D printers (RAMPS boards plug into it to drive the steppers). I say definitely do it!