Breadboard L298hn?
Posts: 1,659
I bought two L298hn ic's in January of last year and stuck them in a drawer. Today I discovered I couldn't plug them in to my breadboard. I'm wondering if I have to use a breakout board with this chip. Any tips?
And cheaper too! I'm sure you saw this thread...
Unless you blow them up, or they blow up your processor. Read that whole thread, especially the parts about "magic smoke".
But most people prefer slapping premade modules together to scratch-building perfboard circuits, so I'm in the minority.
Be more persuasive. Let the chip know who's boss.
More pictures here.
You chips wont be nice and pretty once they've been water boarded breadboarded. Just to be clear, breadboarding these chips is not torture.
As erco points out in his other thread, I think you're better off sending the PWM signal to the enable pin rather than on of the "in" pins to you're not breifly applying the breaks between the high pulses. I'm recently changed the way my Mecanum robot is wired to use the eable pin this way.
Personally, I would use that photo as a great example of when & why one would prefer to hand-wire and solder a perfboard PCB!
Again, I know I'm in the minority for even suggesting it. For some reason, people accept breadboards and dozens of wires sticking out in all directions. Maybe people think it looks cool/complicated/high tech. I see many such wire piles on LMR and people's blogs for mobile robots. But seriously, as robots move around, they bump into things and go under things and those wires get knocked around, pulled out, or shorted together, and then it's a big puzzle just to figure out what went wrong.
I use breadboarding for a quick benchtop test of small circuits almost exclusively.
BTW, Tommy, this does NOT apply to you! I highly encourage your robot for Expo's LFO to use lots of long wires, dragging on the ground and wrapping around axles. It's "good luck" for someone.
Duane, you coming to Expo this year?
It was enough to convince me of the same thing. I at least put heat shrink on the resistor leads so they wouldn't short. The above circuit no longer exists on a breadboad.
Dat's my dawg! great movie but foul language
So how about Expo, Boss? You and I have some serious chatting to do over a brewski or four!
Thanks Larry, I haven't worked on it lately. I've been thinking about it a lot especially since someone recently used Hanno's method to made a line follower. I need to do at least that much.
Too soon to know. I'd really really like to but I just hate travelling. My desire to attend my win out over my dread of travelling.