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APRS-IS passcode generator WORKS! — Parallax Forums

APRS-IS passcode generator WORKS!

CapdiamontCapdiamont Posts: 218
edited 2013-01-07 06:17 in BASIC Stamp
I am trying to translate the APRS-IS passcode c code in to the basic stamp, so I can learn. They use signed variables with XOR the callsign to create the passcode. The code for this has been out for ten plus years. However my passcode generated from my callsign does not match the correct passcode. Should I figure out how to do ^/ instead of just ^? When I try that it doesn't allow me to do that. I figure the BS2 should be able to do this I think. Part of the problem is I am not familiar with C.
APRS-IS passcode generator 07 Jan 2013.bs2

Update: I added debug to the hash loop. the loop only runs twice, processing four of five characters. So off to redo loop.

Solved. I used select case to clean up the input, and uppercase the letters if needed. I then changed to a do loop. It works! I also tested against online generator for six and four character call signs. There is no checking to see if the callsign is valid.
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