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ps2 controller interface with bs2px — Parallax Forums

ps2 controller interface with bs2px

ohVaNiLLaGoRiLLaohVaNiLLaGoRiLLa Posts: 33
edited 2012-12-18 16:14 in Robotics
I have recently found this code and instructions for interfacing a PlayStation 2 controller with the basic stamp, , I put the circuit together and it works great with a wired controller! When I try to use a wireless controller with it though my stamp doesn't even recognize the controller. I am using a bs2px for the project I'm working on if that is significant at all. Anyone have any ideas to why a wireless controller does not work?. I took a female PlayStation 2 plug and wired it up so you can just plug the controller into it so plugging a wireless ps2 controller receiver into it should work just fine but it does not. The wireless controller I am trying to use is not a Sony brand controller, it's a generic GameStop wireless controller.

Here is the code I am using

' {$STAMP BS2px}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' =========================================================================
' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------
' This program demonstrates the essential interface between the BASIC
' Stamp and a Sony PlayStation (or compatible) game controller. This
' code assumes that the clock signal is inverted between the Stamp and
' the controller to allow simpler [less sophisticated] interface with
' Note: The interface and portions of code are based on previous work by
' Aaron Dahlen.

' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
PsxAtt PIN 8 ' PSX joystick interface
PsxClk PIN 9
PsxCmd PIN 10
PsxDat PIN 11

' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
Inverted CON 1 ' inverted clock signal
Direct CON 0 ' no inverter in clock line
ClockMode CON Inverted

' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
idx VAR Nib ' loop counter
psxOut VAR Byte ' byte to controller
psxIn VAR Byte ' byte from controller
' joystick packet
psxID VAR Byte ' controller ID
psxThumbL VAR Byte ' left thumb buttons
psxThumbR VAR Byte ' right thumb buttons
psxStatus VAR Byte ' status ($5A)
psxJoyRX VAR Byte ' r joystick - X axis
psxJoyRY VAR Byte ' r joystick - Y axis
psxJoyLX VAR Byte ' l joystick - X axis
psxJoyLY VAR Byte ' l joystick - Y axis

' -----[ EEPROM Data ]-----------------------------------------------------
' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
HIGH PsxAtt ' deselect PSX controller
PsxClk = ~ClockMode ' release clock
OUTPUT PsxClk ' make clock an output

' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
GOSUB Get_PSX_Packet_Fast ' type and packet
DEBUG HOME, "Type = "
IF (psxStatus = $5A) THEN
DEBUG IHEX2 psxId, " (", IHEX2 psxStatus, ")",
BIN8 psxThumbL, " ", BIN8 psxThumbR, " "
IF (psxId <> $41) THEN
DEBUG DEC3 psxJoyLX, " ", DEC3 psxJoyLY, " ",
DEC3 psxJoyRX, " ", DEC3 psxJoyRY
DEBUG "Unknown. No response.", CR, CLRDN
PAUSE 1000

' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
' This routine REQUIRES inverted clock signal from
' Stamp to PSX controller
IF (ClockMode = Direct) THEN Get_PSX_Packet ' redirect if not inverted
LOW PsxAtt
SHIFTOUT PsxCmd, PsxClk, LSBFIRST, [$01, $42]
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxThumbL, psxThumbL, psxThumbR]
psxId = $41

' This routine manually creates the clock signal,
' so it can be used with a direct (via 220 ohm resistor)
' connection to the clock input

' Execution time on BS2 is ~145 ms.
LOW PsxAtt ' select controller
psxOut = $01 : GOSUB PSX_TxRx ' send "start"
psxOut = $42 : GOSUB PSX_TxRx ' send "get data"
psxId = psxIn ' save controller type
psxOut = $00 : GOSUB PSX_TxRx
psxStatus = psxIn ' should be $5A ("ready")
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxThumbL = psxIn ' get PSX data
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxThumbR = psxIn
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxJoyRX = psxIn
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxJoyRY = psxIn
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxJoyLX = psxIn
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxJoyLY = psxIn
HIGH PsxAtt ' deselect controller
' Transmit psxOut to, and receive psxIn from the
' PSX controller
FOR idx = 0 TO 7
PsxCmd = psxOut.LOWBIT(idx) ' setup command bit
PsxClk = ClockMode ' clock the bit
psxIn.LOWBIT(idx) = PsxDat ' get data bit
PsxClk = ~ClockMode  ' release clock

' This routine combines manual and built-in shifting
' routines to get the best speed and all valid data.
' Execution time on BS2 is ~40 ms.
IF (ClockMode = Direct) THEN Get_PSX_Packet ' redirect if not inverted
LOW PsxAtt ' select controller
SHIFTOUT PsxCmd, PsxClk, LSBFIRST, [$01] ' send "start"
psxOut = $42 : GOSUB PSX_TxRx ' send "get data"
psxId = psxIn ' save controller type
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxStatus] ' should be $5A ("ready")
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxThumbL]
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxThumbR]
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxJoyRX]
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxJoyRY]
SHIFTIN PsxDat, PsxClk, LSBPOST, [psxJoyLX]
GOSUB PSX_TxRx : psxJoyLY = psxIn
HIGH PsxAtt ' deselect controller


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