Am I in over my head
I'm fairly new to microcontrollers and programming, but I'm getting the hang of things. I have inherited a large number of BS2 modules and several sensors that require the I2C interface. My question is, am I in over my head to expect that I could follow Jon Williams article in Nuts & Volts I2C Again - and the Case for Continuous Improvement(November 2004) to get my BS2's to starting talking to the I2C sensors. One of the sensors, an Altimeter Module MS5607 is shown on the Parallax website which offers a Driver to be used with SPIN Code. Is it even possible write code for the BS2 to use this type of Sensor? Would it be better to upgrade to the BS2p's or do I need to upgrade to a Propeller?
Thanks in advance, I've already learned so much from this forum and the free manuals Parallax has online.
Thanks in advance, I've already learned so much from this forum and the free manuals Parallax has online.
Here's another article that talks about using I2C with a compass so you can see another example :
No, you are not. Jon's article is pretty clear, and there are BS2 routines that "bit bang" the I2C protocol. Should be OK. The only thing you may want to look into is if any of your I2C slaves (sensors) perform clock-stretching. I don't believe the BS2 routines for I2C will handle that. BS2p and BS2px include "native" I2C commands.
Thanks for the info, I'll work through the experiments