Pololololu's End of the World Sale
Posts: 20,259
For anyone who missed Martin_H's post at http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?144554-Happy-12-12-12-day!&p=1150125&viewfull=1#post1150125, Pololu is having another fine sale from 12-12-12 to 12-21, just in case the world ends. Solder quickly, just in case!
Order all you want on your credit card, since payment isn't due until after it's all over.
It's been been nice, my fellow Forumistas!
Order all you want on your credit card, since payment isn't due until after it's all over.
It's been been nice, my fellow Forumistas!
You won't have to pay it back!!!
I already went crazy with their Black Friday sale. What are you guys trying to do to me?