3d Printing CNC Services?

I was wondering if there were any decently priced services out there for one or two of's, where you can get objects made via 3D Printing, CNC, Laser cutting etc. I know Christopher Robinson at Rocket Brand Studios does some custom acrylic work and I think seedstudio does or one of those sites does $9 laser cuts. But what im really looking for is to design a nice media/robot remote control either from acrylic, aluminium, or even a premade enclosure and then have some one do the cuts, or extrusion for me. 9 dollar laser cuts can add up pretty quick. Basically I want the thing to have a nokia 5110 serial LCD, and then a nice little TV screen too along with joysticks, encoders, buttons, IR, serial, ps/2, audio, and power. So thats a lot of little cut outs you know. I figure if I were to design something in a CAD program it could easily be 3D printed in two or three pieces, im not sure. Anyways I was just wondering if there's a good service for this type of work, or maybe some forum members who are willing to this kind of thing. This isnt something im doing today but I guess its something I need to start thinking about while designing the electronics for the remote. I was originally thinking about getting a premade enclosure and then just working it with a dremel but that wont look so nice.
What im looking at doing would be a combination of these two remotes,
What im looking at doing would be a combination of these two remotes,
Keep in mind that Lexan (polycarbonate) cannot be laser cut.
If anyone needs something laser cut they can PM me and I'll make you a good deal. I have a cutting capacity of up to 35" x 55".
If you sent it to someone that knows the design part (perhaps NWCCTV?) the process might go more smoothly
Ive had my eye on sketch up lately for designing mechanical/solid objects.
@W9GF0 Ive been wanting to build a cnc for a while ive got about everything i could need except a frame. the other day i saw a ben heck video where he did a desktop cnc, id like to send you the cad files for his frame and see what youd charge to cut it. He did it in wood but i think aluminium would be better.
@Poster who wants simple acrylic plates, google rocketbrand studios, Christopher Robinson does alot of work with parallax stuff and has a custom acrylic service on his page.
For 3D printing, anything that can produce STL is fine. The free tool is OpenSCAD, but autocad etc should be able to output STL.
I can cut Ply, MDF, Acrylic, ABS, Styrene, Paper, Leather, Neoprene, Delrin, Mylar, basically most anything organic. MDF, Acrylic and ply are the most common materials to be cut with a laser.
Cannot cut PVC or Vinyl (contains chloride). Well, I can but it releases corrosive gasses, so I won't. Polycarbonate does not cut well at all and makes a dense putrid yellow smoke. Exterior grade or marine plys do not cut well due to the type of glue used. Although I do cut aircraft grade ply without a problem as long as it is thin.
Can't cut any type of metal. CO2 lasers can cut metal but they need at least 200 watts. Mine is only 80.
I use SketchUp mostly. There are free plugins to import and export STLs, and there are also free plugins for unfolding and exporting to SVG which is extremely useful for lasering.
You might want to also look at the AutoCad 123d series of programs. They are also free.
For freeform sculpting try Sculptris.
Many people like Blender too.
If you are a student or educator you can get almost any Autodesk program for free. Inventor and MudBox are nice.
Anyone can also get Inventor Fusion. I've worked with it a little but decided that if I am going to invest my time in a program it will be SolidWorks since we get licenses through the robotics club.
I suppose I should add that one reason that I primarily use SketchUp is that the other programs have restrictions that prevent them from being used commercially. For what I do, SketchUp work nicely.