Error : IN0~IN15 always shows 1
I use BasicStamp2px to make my project in college since about 1yr ago, so I have some experience about Basic Stamp.
However, I got an error now and I cannot solve this.
The problem is, the INS of Basic Stamp always shows 1 for all PINS.
I tested for these situations:
1. Nothing connected in all pins
2. Connect pins with an LED
3. Connect pins with resisters
4. Change to another BasicStamp (I have 2 BasicStamps)
But when I use
If I debug all pins
And I tried this test :
The result is:
How can I solve this problem ? Any suggestions are appreciated !
I use BasicStamp2px to make my project in college since about 1yr ago, so I have some experience about Basic Stamp.
However, I got an error now and I cannot solve this.
The problem is, the INS of Basic Stamp always shows 1 for all PINS.
I tested for these situations:
1. Nothing connected in all pins
2. Connect pins with an LED
3. Connect pins with resisters
4. Change to another BasicStamp (I have 2 BasicStamps)
But when I use
DEBUG "IN1 is = ",BIN1 IN1It shows IN1 is = 1
If I debug all pins
DEBUG "HEX is = ",HEX4 INSit shows "HEX is = FFFF"
And I tried this test :
The result is:
test1= 1111111111111111 error @ 01010101010101 test2= 1111111111111111 error @ 10101010101010
How can I solve this problem ? Any suggestions are appreciated !
For the code you proved, it shows :
0001110000000000 or 0000000000000100 (I have 2 BasicStamp, they shows different result)
In fact, I use photoresistor and LEDs in my project, they all connected to two 1.5V AAA battery as power supply,
and the photoresistor connected to P0~P4 in BasicStamp.
Before yesterday, when I use "DEBUG BIN1, IN0" in my code, it can shows the state of photoresistor, if LED is on, it shows 1, otherwise shows 0.
But today I found they all shows 1 even when in the dark, so I started to find out the issue and I noticed that all INS shows 1 in all times.
Do you have access to another BASIC Stamp Module to verify these reults?
One is 0001110000000000 and another is 0000000000000100
So, can I use the un-damaged pins of BasicStamp or should I need to get new one?
Hmm, I tried to use the "damaged" port to connect bluetooth,
But I still can receive and send data from my computer to these "damaged" I/O.
(But in "DEBUG BIN16 PINS" they still shows 1)
It's strange, if the I/O is damaged, it cannot receive any data, right? However my bluetooth module can still get the characters from my PC
The following project shows a couple of ways you can test a BASIC Stamp Module (including the I/O pins) if you really want to be sure.