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Propellor Demo Board Clap Switch With Code — Parallax Forums

Propellor Demo Board Clap Switch With Code

DrededDreded Posts: 4
edited 2012-12-11 00:05 in Propeller 1
Well I know there are TONS of people asking how to do a clap on/off switch with the propellor demo board built in MIC and while not terribly difficult as a first project it was a challenge. I have used this to turn my christmas tree on and off with a relay to switch mains power

  _clkmode     = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq     = 5_000_000

  env_rate     = 20             'Envelope is evaluated this many times per second.
  sample_rate  = 8000           'Microphone is sampled this many times per second.
  gain         = 256             'Envelope is multiplied by this amount.

  mic_inp      = 8              'Microphone input pin.
  mic_fbk      = 9              'Microphone feedback pin.
  led_pin = 16                  ' LED That will light when clap---clap is heard/relay is on
  relay_pin = 0                 ' Pin For External Relay
  time_led = 23                 ' led will light when loud noise(clap) is heard and the program starts waiting for second clap(set to 0 to disable)
                                ' The Led Then Turns off when the clapper routine resets and a new clap -- clap can be done


  long  value,delay,i
  byte button,oldbutton,clap

PUB Clapper
  dira[led_pin]~~                               'Set as output    
  outa[led_pin]~                                'Output to LOW
  if time_led > 0
    clap := envelope
    if (clap == 255)
      if time_led > 0 
        outa[time_led]~~                          'Indicate First Clap
      waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt)
      repeat while i < 10000
        clap := envelope
        if clap == 255
         button := 1 - button                     ' 1 - 0 = 1 and 1 - 1 = 0
            if (button == 1) & (oldbutton == 0)
            if (button == 0) & (oldbutton == 1)
      i := 0
      if time_led > 0 
        outa[time_led]~                            ' Turn LED OFF
      oldbutton := button                                               

PUB start

'Start routine for object.

  mic_dt := clkfreq / sample_rate
  env_cyc := sample_rate / env_rate
  cognew(@env_det, @value)

PUB envelope

  'Return a value between 0 and 255 for loudness.

  return (value * gain) >> 16 <# 255

              org       0

env_det       mov       ctra,ctra0
              mov       dira,dira0
              mov       frqa,#1
              mov       bias,mic_dt             'Guess at adc bias level:
              shr       bias,#1                 '  dt / 2.
              mov       mic_time,cnt
              add       mic_time,mic_dt
              mov       pamp,phsa

env_lp        mov       accum,#0
              mov       env_cnt,env_cyc

mic_lp        call      #sample
              addabs    accum,amp
              djnz      env_cnt,#mic_lp

              wrlong    accum,par
              jmp       #env_lp

'-------[* sample ]-------------------------------------------------------------

'    Read the ADC (microphone) input.

sample        waitcnt   mic_time,mic_dt         'Wait for adc value to be accumulated.
              mov       amp,phsa                'Read it.
              sub       amp,pamp                'Subtract the previous reading.
              add       pamp,amp                'pamp := pamp + amp - pamp == pamp
              sub       amp,bias                'Subtract the DC bias.
              shl       bias,#4                 'Compute running average of bias.
              add       bias,amp
              shr       bias,#4
sample_ret    ret               

env_cyc       long      $-$
mic_dt        long      $-$
dira0         long      1 << mic_fbk
ctra0         long      001 << 26 | mic_fbk << 9 | mic_inp 

bias          res       1
accum         res       1
env_cnt       res       1
mic_time      res       1
pamp          res       1
amp           res       1

It works decently well if someone could suggest a better method for detecting the second clap that would be great... as it seems there is a slight delay in the while loop which makes the second clap harder to detect.


  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2012-12-11 00:05

    Welcome to the Parallax Forums! feel free to ask any questions here. This is a nice group of people that are more than willing to help solve a problem.

    Great project! I did something similar for my father in law a few years ago, but I soon realized that it was a bad idea to have a clapper controlling a Christmas tree in the same room as a bunch of football fans ... I'll let you paint the mental image there. :-)
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