Joystick + pushbutton + LEDs = simple PropBOE add-on

Hey all,
People in the office are continually cobbling together XBees, joysticks and other items to make a remote user interface. The kinds of contraptions they're controlling include Quadrovers, small robots, wireless electric skateboards, and pan/tilt systems. Once in a while we see remote interfaces to our own manufacturing equipment. To help these people along with their projects we built a small joystick add-on board with the following features:
We haven't decided whether or not we'd offer these as a product. We're interested in your feedback first. Creating a product involves a different level of commitment [as many of you know!] in regards to material management, documentation, part numbers, pictures, etc. Although we're in the business of making products like this, we want our commitment to be coupled with sales! What we need to know from you:
For now, we're looking for any kind of feedback you may want to provide. And I'll send these two units to Phil Pilgrim to get an object written. Should be a snap, but a pile of "snaps" can be become a big load of work around here.
Thanks all!
Ken Gracey
People in the office are continually cobbling together XBees, joysticks and other items to make a remote user interface. The kinds of contraptions they're controlling include Quadrovers, small robots, wireless electric skateboards, and pan/tilt systems. Once in a while we see remote interfaces to our own manufacturing equipment. To help these people along with their projects we built a small joystick add-on board with the following features:
- Analog or digital joystick
- Potentiometer with nice knob and 1/4" knockouts
- (2) panel-mount LEDs
- Anodized black AL6061 mounting plate
- Compatible with any Parallax 3"x4" board (Propeller Board of Education, Prop Proto Board, Board of Education)
We haven't decided whether or not we'd offer these as a product. We're interested in your feedback first. Creating a product involves a different level of commitment [as many of you know!] in regards to material management, documentation, part numbers, pictures, etc. Although we're in the business of making products like this, we want our commitment to be coupled with sales! What we need to know from you:
- Product name? There are two versions - analog and digital.
- Price? Here's the problem. You can always get a small wireless controller from a video game for twenty bucks, but that's less than the Bill of Materials cost for something like this product (those are made in the millions, ours is made in batches of 100). This is more of an open, basic design with a techie look and feel, maybe appealing to people who simply prefer this style. The cost is at least $39-49, retail. Yeah, that's expensive!
For now, we're looking for any kind of feedback you may want to provide. And I'll send these two units to Phil Pilgrim to get an object written. Should be a snap, but a pile of "snaps" can be become a big load of work around here.
Thanks all!
Ken Gracey

John Abshier
Since there are obvious customization and feature add opportunities, I'm not sure if a kit as shown would be something I'd purchase but being able to purchase the known and documented joysticks (digital and analog) would be a big help to making something like these on your own. The PhiPi code would also be a big help and priceless value-add.
Too bad you guys have to cobble thing like this while at the office. Today, I just got to scrub a new database table to match it up with the spreadsheet it's replacing....yeah, I'll color everybody at Parallax green with envy on that one!!
Perhaps just a link to consider in respect to design aspects for buttons, layout and such...
Like the Leonardo, the USB can act as a HID, so the controller mimics a USB keyboard or mouse. Maybe Ari would like to look at this for potential new product?
-- Gordon
- make a $50 donation to a charity of your choice
- post a copy of your receipt here, even if just a cut/paste from your e-mail that excludes any private information
- specify your desired model, analog or digital
- PM me your shipping address
Ken Gracey
Hi Ken, I would like a digital model. Thanks for this opportunity.
I would like an analog.
John Abshier
Would one of each be possible ?
I support a doctor who takes a team of about 100 medical staff, all at their own time and cost from western Canada to a remote village in Ecuador where they do free hip/knee replacements as well as dental and eye work for people there who have noting and very little hope. They have been doing this for over 10 years now, and we are fortunate to be able to support that cause.
Peter (pjv)
Dear Dr. Greidanus;
Following your letter requesting contributions in funding your annual charity medical mission to Ecuador, I am pleased to advise the we will donate $x,xxx.xx to the cause.
A cheque for that amount will be forwarded to the EMAS foundation today.
Thank you for letting us help the less fortunate in the world.
Peter Van der Zee
Willowglen Systems Inc.
@pjv: yes, of course. Charity of your choice is always appropriate! I trust you've made the contribution and I'll send you one of each today.
All: we're down to digital-only models. Shall we build 20 more of each?
And we'd love to improve the product based on all of your feedback.
What are the chances we could twist your arm into a Quickstart sized version of this product as well?
Jeff, the design requires some hardware (A/D or R/C circuit) for the joystick. And probably a resistor or two for the pushbuttons and LEDs. If it were a direct QuickStart plug-in then it'd need some support electronics. What exactly do you propose? We could make it into a little PCB (or you could, too) without the metal plate. Maybe you should make it in this way. The cost of the joysticks are presently too high at $28 and we need to drop that to about $18 or so. I could give you a BOM.
If you guys could tool the metal plate, I'm willing to do the PCB. I'm picturing something small that would plug into the top of the quickstart without hampering a board sitting between. (Like the Human Interface Board)
Of course we can do this. Could be a PropellerPowered XCLUSIVE!
Price, no idea what it costs to make but the lower the better
Also, I like the open design a lot, but it would make me wish there were a plastic back-plate for under the board. If the back-plate was deep enough to allow the 'sticky bumps' to remain on the board, and or wires under protoboards, that would be great. Maybe you can put some touch resistive buttons back there too.
Well, thanks varnon. This business is about so much more than the technology itself. We're also thankful for the community [every single day] and feel very fortunate to have the opportunities we do at Parallax. Really takes the "work" out of what most people have named work, making us look forward to each week as much as a weekend.
There are a bunch of people on these forums who will go way out of their way to help Parallax, too. The unofficial P2 documentation project, GCC, and all of the many OBEX contributions are examples.
Indeed, then you need only a friendly little PCB. We source those in China and I have a whole bunch of them at Parallax.
Tell you what - I'll make you a DEAL. Let's make a DEAL, shall we Jeff? I'll send you the 100+ units I have with their caps for free. You'll make a little QuickStart add-on that supports the joystick, an XBee socket, and maybe a button/dial onto your specially-designed PCB. The joystick is identical than the one we sell in the link you provided, except it has a pushbutton on the downward pressure.
This way, we both win. You get a new product with the key part that's hard [as heck] to find in China, and I get these things out of my office! Propeller customers get another PropellerPowered add-on board made by a fine company with lower overhead than Parallax. Everybody wins!
And yes, we can get more of them - no problem.
Do we have a deal?
P.S. Like I told you the other day - I'm sitting on more surprises, spare parts, and neat stuff than I'll have time for in this lifetime! It'd be great to see productivity spring from the ashes of my office for once!
You know I just happen to have an Quickstart Xbee add-on design already generated here that should easily be modified to fit that joystick. I'll be you guys even have the Diptrace library for that part somewhere around Parallax. YOU'VE GOT A DEAL... This board shall be ready for public review by the end of the weekend.
I'll ask Jim to overnight you the joysticks so you can work productively over the weekend. I'm sure the PCB will be easier to design with parts in hand.
@All, How flexible would you guys like to have this? Easy to re-configure with places to jumper wires like PropBOE or hard configured I/O? (Attached is a quick drop-in layout.. Will add a couple tact switch positions, leds, caps, and resistors.)
Edit: I'm also thinking Serial Bluetooth connection in the center of the Xbee just for those would would prefer to go that direction.
The two joystick kits just arrived, and they look great.
I want to thank you so much for offering these to the forum members, and letting me benefit from your generosity....... shipping to Canada included!
Well done !
Peter (pjv)
I think BT would be great.
That IS quite a unique design!!! Ken Put something like this together for the BOE boards (Both verions) and all your other boards. I would definately buy a bunch and I am pretty sure most others would also!!!!