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Prop Boe-Bot runs for a few seconds with servos then repeat again.. not supposed to — Parallax Forums

Prop Boe-Bot runs for a few seconds with servos then repeat again.. not supposed to

3Animos33Animos3 Posts: 3
edited 2012-12-10 10:50 in Robotics
If I am running the tutorial programs of the Prop Boe-Bot, when it involves the servos the program only runs for a few seconds then resets and does it again from the beginning. It will not go to code beyond the first few seconds. If I just run the code with only power to the board, then the program executes all the way through. Is my chip busted or am I missing something here? Please help


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-12-08 22:55
    You have some kind of a power problem. If you're running your BoeBot off batteries, they're nearly exhausted. If you're running it off an AC power supply, it's inadequate for the drain of the servos.

    Servo motors draw as much as 1A each under load, like when they're just starting to move or if the BoeBot is moving up a slope. If the power supply is inadequate, the voltage will drop to the point where the Prop will reset. With batteries, once the Prop resets, the current drain drops way down because the servos turn off and it takes a second or so for the program to get back to the point where the servos start to move and the battery voltage drops again.

    Use fresh batteries or an AC power source with adequate current rating. You need a power source of 4 to 16V able to supply up to 2A for short periods of time.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2012-12-10 10:50
    I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. The first time I was completely baffled, but the problem was exactly what Mike said and fresh batteries cured things.
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