Parallax Boe-Bot with Ping))) Ultrasonic Senors, Path following and object sensing
Posts: 2
In need of some help, not good with the boe-bot, have a program but will not work. More of a PLC kind of guy and need to write a program that follows a line of electrical tape using the QTI sensors on the bottom, Senses and avoids objects using the Ping sensor on top, then at the end of the line senses the closest object and goes to it stopping 5 cm short. Seems simple but am stumped on this one. If anyone has the program I'd appreciate it so that we can compare ours to the correct program. Thanks
Cyber King
Cyber King
Have you looked at the documentation and example code that comes with the Qti line follower?
Also, how far away will your "closest object" be?
Cyber King