These things are just good clean fun! Nobody gets hurt, no bad language (ok, that happens during setup and testing, probably), no gratuitous sex....just fun to watch and ponder the possibilities or impossibilities.
OK, these guys have too much time on their hands....need more clients!
You should not mock Sir Cliff. Mosses, Jesus, Mohamed, yeah whatever, but not Cliff. National monument and inspiration to us all. You should pay homage thus:
OK, these guys have too much time on their hands....need more clients!
This one is amazing!
Sorry, I was being grumpy again. I'll try and lighten up:)
Maybe a UPEW Robot Rube Goldberg challenge??? Matt!! MATT!!
Oh Poo. Now that you went and made nice, you've effectively stopped me from posting a preemptive Cliff Richards' "Congratulations" video for spite!
As I told my peers at our meeting yesterday, our Forumista culture is way too nice around here.