Propeller Control Power to MAX756 Step-Up Converter?
Posts: 55
I currently have an application that uses a MAX756 Step-Up Converter to raise voltage from just slightly beow 3.3VDC to 5.0VDC. I would like to be able to control when the MAX756 circuit draws power using one of the Propellers I/O Pins. To oversimplify, I want to be able to go HIGH on a Prop pin and have the MAX756 start converting the 3.3VDC to 5.0VDC.Go LOW on the Prop pin and the MAX756 goes nite-nite. I've attached drawings of the MAX756 circuit, couldn't get the in-line to work--sorry. Between transistors, zener and schottky diodes I'm wiki-outed. What would be an optimal approach? Thanks!!!!! BTW Happy Holidays!
Note the comment on page 5 of the MAX756 datasheet about the /SHDN input. If you connect the MAX756 to a separate power supply from the Propeller so the MAX756 might be disconnected when the Propeller is powered, you should put a resistor (about 1M) in series with /SHDN. This is not necessary if the MAX756 and Propeller are powered from the same source.
It explains what each of the pins and signals does. It gives information about the signal levels including how much current /SHDN draws (max. 100nA!)
Roger, Sir. Will try and rewire my version of the MAX756 circuit to match the datasheet and then hook up the Propeller with the 1MOhm resistor. My mistake. Got to love those digital a$$-kickings.