Best programming language(JAVA C++ PBASIC)
Posts: 149
Whats everyone 's favorite programming language and why?
The net is just full of this already. Just google for XXX sucks where XXX is any language and you will find a ton of it. Actually that search term is a good way to find out the pitfalls of a language when you begin to learn it.
I propose we also ask What is better Water, or Distilled Water ?
Each has its own purpose that is was made for, and they are best when applied to that task.
If I am going to do some large database programming, I am going to look for a language that supports static sql statements...
I am not going to use some language that does not have ODBC capabilities, and no database support. ( why do I want to write all the tools from scratch ??)
Usually the most general purpose languages are ok at everything and good at almost nothing. On the other hand, very specialized languages are very poor for problems even a little outside of their area of specialty. There are all sorts of examples from the history of programming languages.
Couldn't agree more with you Mike! The best language to use depends on the problem, platform, etc. Even the number of times the problem needs to be "solved" is a determining factor. For me the languages I use the most is AWK, Perl and C. I'm trying to force myself to use C++ but it's not working! :-)