Tiny PropForth GUI snippit!
Duane C. Johnson
Posts: 955
OK, It works now!!!!!!!!!
Here is the snippet example:
I really did have a project in mind that would use the tiny GUI.
First load my utility words on top of PropForth 5.00. (I assume these will work with later revissions of "5.xx" PropForth:
This driver starts out by setting up the NCOs to output 10KHz. Note this is a different method than what I posted earlier.
Anyway the GUI was needed to automate the operation of these H-Bridges.
The next step is to get the operation of the LED sensors incorporated in the GUI.
One more question. How can I get the GUI to "Auto Start" after a reset or power up?
Duane J
Here is the snippet example:
\ PropForth 5.00 with TeraTerm terminal on a QuickStart board. fl : do_something c" do_something" .cstr cr ; : do_something_else c" do_something_else" .cstr cr ; \ get_key ( -- c1 ) get a character : get_key fkey? drop ; \ This works now. \ test ( -- ) repeat forever until a clrl-C : test begin get_key dup h41 - if else do_something then \ "A" dup h61 - if else do_something then \ "a" dup h42 - if else do_something_else then \ "B" dup h62 - if else do_something_else then \ "b" dup h03 - if else exit then \ ctrl-C to drop out of the test word. drop 0 until ; test
I'm trying to make a simple operating system or GUI.
I'm not sure how to ask the question?
What I want to do:
1. Run a continuous main loop that runs function words on each pass through the loop.
2. On each pass it checks to see if a key is pressed on the terminal input.
3. If a key is pressed the main loop diverts to process a function which then returns to the main loop.
I'm using ver.5.00 and TerraTerm on a QuickStart but should run on any flavor Prop that uses a terminal.
I apparently can't use key in the main loop because it hangs waiting for the key to be presses.
I suspect I'm supposed to using _fkey? or fkey? because these pass a t/f but I can't seem to make that work
I guess what I'm looking for are forth snippet examples of how to use these words.
and maybe others.
There are no examples in the docs for a novice programmer like me.
The GUI I envision will use ESC codes to display on the terminal.
When I get this going I'll post this in this message.
I really did have a project in mind that would use the tiny GUI.
First load my utility words on top of PropForth 5.00. (I assume these will work with later revissions of "5.xx" PropForth:
fl decimal \ --------------- words added to PropForth ----------------- \ fence ( -- ) : fence ; 0 wvariable baseold \ binary ( -- ) switch to binary : binary h2 base W! ; \ .hex ( n -- ) emit a single hex digit : .hex hF and d48 + dup d57 > if d7 + then emit ; \ .x ( n -- ) emit a single digit in the current base : .x base W@ u/mod drop d48 + dup d57 > if d7 + then dup d93 > if d3 + then emit ; \ Display formated number functions \ .bn ( n1 n2 -- ) emit n1 as an n2 (1 to 32) place binary number : .bn dup 0 do 2dup d32 swap - rev 1 i lshift and if ." 1" else ." 0" then loop 2drop ; \ .dn ( n1 n2 -- ) emit n1 as an n2 place decimal number : .dn dup >r 0 do d10 u/mod loop drop r> 0 do .hex loop ; \ .hn ( n1 n2 -- ) emit n1 as an n2 place hex number : .hn dup >r 0 do d16 u/mod loop drop r> 0 do .hex loop ; \ .xn ( n1 n2 -- ) emit n1 as an n2 place number in the current base : .xn dup >r 0 do base W@ u/mod loop drop r> 0 do .x loop ; \ ------------------- ascii escape sequences ------------------ \ ascii escape sequences start with ESC \ Clearly Plagerized from "prof_braino" : esc d27 emit ; \ ESCAPE : csi esc d91 emit ; \ [ : capK ." K" ; \ capital K : smallm ." m" ; \ small m \ .digits ( n -- ." emit as decimal characters" ) for by the "at" command to convert 0-99 for emit : .digits dup d9 > if d2 else 1 then .dn ; \ at ( column line -- ) put cursor at x y, column line, from upper left corner : at csi .digits ." ;" .digits ." f" ; : home csi ." 1;1f" ; : clear csi ." 2J" ; : preclear csi ." 1J" ; : postclear csi ." 0J" ; : cls home clear ; : clear-eol csi d0 .digits capK ; : clear-bol csi d1 .digits capK ; : clear-line csi d2 .digits capK ; \ attributes esc[d#;d#m = csi d#;d#m : atoff csi d48 emit smallm ; \ 0 off : bold csi d49 emit smallm ; \ 1 bold \ : faint csi d50 emit smallm ; \ 2 faint ? \ : italic csi d51 emit smallm ; \ 3 italic ? : underscore csi d52 emit smallm ; \ 4 underscore (mono) ? \ : sblink csi d53 emit smallm ; \ 5 slow blink PINK \ : fblink csi d54 emit smallm ; \ 6 fast blink : reverse csi d55 emit smallm ; \ 7 reverse \ : conceal csi d56 emit smallm ; \ 8 conceal ? \ : crossout csi d57 emit smallm ; \ 9 crossed out ? \ there are lots more... \ ( n -- ) Curser movements : cup csi .digits ." A" ; \ up : cdown csi .digits ." B" ; \ down : cforward csi .digits ." C" ; \ forward : cback csi .digits ." D" ; \ backward : csave csi ." s" ; \ save position : crestore csi ." u" ; \ restore position \ ( -- ) graphics mode Color attributes Forground/Background : black csi d30 .digits smallm ; : onblack csi d40 .digits smallm ; : red csi d31 .digits smallm ; : onred csi d41 .digits smallm ; : green csi d32 .digits smallm ; : ongreen csi d42 .digits smallm ; : yellow csi d33 .digits smallm ; : onyellow csi d43 .digits smallm ; : blue csi d34 .digits smallm ; : onblue csi d44 .digits smallm ; : magenta csi d35 .digits smallm ; : onmagenta csi d45 .digits smallm ; : cyan csi d36 .digits smallm ; : oncyan csi d46 .digits smallm ; : white csi d37 .digits smallm ; : onwhite csi d47 .digits smallm ; \ ----------------- end ascii escape sequences ---------------- \ .sx ( -- ) prints out the stack with a letter tag on the end Non-Destructivly : .sx ." ST: " $C_stPtr COG@ 2+ dup $C_stTop < if $C_stTop swap - 0 do $C_stTop 2- i - COG@ .long space loop else drop then ; \ removed cr from end of the word st? : .s0 .sx ." <0" cr ; : .s1 .sx ." <1" cr ; : .s2 .sx ." <2" cr ; : .s3 .sx ." <3" cr ; : .s4 .sx ." <4" cr ; : .s5 .sx ." <5" cr ; : .s6 .sx ." <6" cr ; : .s7 .sx ." <7" cr ; : .s8 .sx ." <8" cr ; : .s9 .sx ." <9" cr ; : .sA .sx ." <A" cr ; : .sB .sx ." <B" cr ; : .sC .sx ." <C" cr ; : .sD .sx ." <D" cr ; : .sE .sx ." <E" cr ; : .sF .sx ." <F" cr ; : .sG .sx ." <G" cr ; : .sH .sx ." <H" cr ; : .sI .sx ." <I" cr ; : .sJ .sx ." <J" cr ; : .sK .sx ." <K" cr ; : .sL .sx ." <L" cr ; : .sM .sx ." <M" cr ; : .sN .sx ." <N" cr ; : .sO .sx ." <O" cr ; : .sP .sx ." <P" cr ; : .sQ .sx ." <Q" cr ; : .sR .sx ." <R" cr ; : .sS .sx ." <S" cr ; : .sT .sx ." <T" cr ; : .sU .sx ." <U" cr ; : .sV .sx ." <V" cr ; : .sW .sx ." <W" cr ; : .sX .sx ." <X" cr ; : .sY .sx ." <Y" cr ; : .sZ .sx ." <Z" cr ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ .sd ( -- ) prints out the stack as 10 place decimal numbers Non-Destructivly : .sd ." STD:" $C_stPtr COG@ 2+ dup $C_stTop < if $C_stTop swap - 0 do $C_stTop 2- i - COG@ d10 .dn space loop else drop then cr ; \ .sh ( -- ) prints out the stack in hex Non-Destructivly : .sh ." STH:" base W@ baseold W! hex .sx cr baseold W@ base W! ; \ cb ( -- ) clear TeraTerm scroll buffer assuming TeraTerm is set to 512 lines : cb d509 0 do cr loop bold blue 0 0 at clear ; \ pins? ( -- ) samples the current status of all the io pins and prints them to the terminal : pins? d32 0 do ." " i d2 .dn loop cr d32 0 do i px? if ." HI" else ." LO" then loop cr d32 0 do dira COG@ i rshift 1 and if ." OT" else ." IN" then loop cr ; \ Alternate method \ pins? ( -- ) samples the current status of all the io pins and prints them to the terminal \ : pins? \ d32 0 do ." " i d2 .dn loop cr \ d32 0 do i px? if ." ^" else ." v" then loop cr \ d32 0 do dira COG@ i rshift 1 and if ." <" else ." >" then loop cr ; \ enablesteppers ( -- ) enable the stepper outputs and set to 0 : enablesteppers dira COG@ h000FF000 or dira COG! ina COG@ hFFF00FFF and h00000000 or outa COG! ; \ stepaz ( n -- ) n lowest 2 bits converted to 5 wire step code : stepaz b11 and 1 swap lshift h0001000 * ina COG@ hFFFF0FFF and or outa COG! ; \ stepalt ( n -- ) n lowest 2 bits converted to 5 wire step code : stepalt b11 and 1 swap lshift h0010000 * ina COG@ hFFF0FFFF and or outa COG! ; \ fence ( -- ) : fence ; \ -------------- end words added to PropForth -----------------Then do this:
decimal saveforthNow load my Gui Demo for the H-Bridge:
fl \ --- words added to PropForth for H-Bridge Driver And Solar Tracker --- \ Reset sensor capacitor time for LED sensors wvariable hbresettime \ Motor Pulse Time wvariable hbpulsetime \ Tracker Flag wvariable trackerflag \ get_key ( -- c1 ) get a character from the serial port : get_key fkey? drop ; \ This works now. \ hbinit ( -- ) Initialize everything : hbinit d17 pinlo d17 pinout d18 pinlo d18 pinout \ Setup the driver pins d16 pinlo d16 pinout d19 pinlo d19 pinout d21 pinlo d21 pinout d22 pinlo d22 pinout d20 pinlo d20 pinout d23 pinlo d23 pinout h1438_2610 h1F8 COG! h8_3126 h01FA COG! \ Setup the NCO counters to output h1438_2E14 h1F9 COG! h8_3126 h01FB COG! \ 10KHz on Pins 16, 19, 20, 23 d10 hbresettime W! d7 hbpulsetime W! d1 trackerflag W! \ 1 trackers On, 0 Trackers Off cb \ clear TeraTerm Terminal Buffer cls \ clear TeraTerm Screen \ Setup the TeraTerm Terminal Display d1 d1 at red c" Dual H-Bridge Driver & Solar Tracker, PropForth 5.00, TeraTerm Terminal" .cstr d1 d2 at blue c" Q " .cstr green c" Left" .cstr d15 d2 at blue c" W " .cstr green c" Left Pulse" .cstr d29 d2 at blue c" E " .cstr green c" Break" .cstr d43 d2 at blue c" R " .cstr green c" Right Pulse" .cstr d57 d2 at blue c" T " .cstr green c" Right" .cstr d1 d3 at blue c" A " .cstr green c" Up" .cstr d15 d3 at blue c" S " .cstr green c" Up Pulse" .cstr d29 d3 at blue c" D " .cstr green c" Break" .cstr d43 d3 at blue c" F " .cstr green c" Down Pulse" .cstr d57 d3 at blue c" G " .cstr green c" Down" .cstr d1 d4 at blue c" ctrl-C " .cstr green c" Exit" .cstr d15 d4 at blue c" X " .cstr green c" Tracker" .cstr d1 d5 at green c" Last Command" .cstr d15 d5 at blue c" Break L/R" .cstr d29 d5 at blue c" Break U/D" .cstr d1 d6 at green c" Tracker" .cstr d15 d6 at blue trackerflag W@ if c" On " .cstr else c" Off" .cstr then blue ; \ ( -- ) All N-Channel MOSFET H-Bridge Driver Commands : aoff d16 pinin d19 pinin d17 pinlo d18 pinlo ; \ A Driver turn off all 4 MOSFETs : aleft d16 pinin d18 pinlo d17 pinhi d19 pinout ; \ A Driver Move Left : aright d19 pinin d17 pinlo d18 pinhi d16 pinout ; \ A Driver Move Right : abreak d17 pinlo d18 pinlo d16 pinout d19 pinout ; \ A Driver Break Top 2 MOSFETs on : boff d20 pinin d23 pinin d21 pinlo d22 pinlo ; \ B Driver turn off all 4 MOSFETs : bleft d20 pinin d22 pinlo d21 pinhi d23 pinout ; \ B Driver Move Up : bright d23 pinin d21 pinlo d22 pinhi d20 pinout ; \ B Driver Move Down : bbreak d21 pinlo d22 pinlo d20 pinout d23 pinout ; \ B Driver Break Top 2 MOSFETs on \ tracker ( -- ) Toggle tracker flag : tracker trackerflag W@ 1 xor trackerflag W! trackerflag W@ ; \ hbreset ( -- ) Reset the LED Sensor Capacitors : hbreset d8 pinout d9 pinout d10 pinout d11 pinout hbresettime W@ delms d8 pinin d9 pinin d10 pinin d11 pinin ; \ hbaled ( -- n1 ) read A sensors on pins 8, 9 : hbaled d9 px? d2 and d8 px? d1 and + ; \ hbbled ( -- n1 ) read B sensors on pins 10, 11 : hbbled d11 px? d2 and d10 px? d1 and + ; \ LED ( -- ) : LED trackerflag W@ if hbreset 1000 0 do hbaled dup d0 = if abreak then dup d1 = if aleft then dup d2 = if aright then d3 = if abreak then hbbled dup d0 = if bbreak then dup d1 = if bleft then dup d2 = if bright then d3 = if bbreak then loop then ; \ repeat test loop forever ( unless interuped with a clrl-C ) : test hbinit \ initialize things begin LED get_key \ Get a key code and test see if it's in the table below. dup h51 - if else \ "Q" Left Continuous aleft d15 d5 at blue c" Left " .cstr then dup h71 - if else \ "q" Left Continuous aleft d15 d5 at blue c" Left " .cstr then dup h57 - if else \ "W" Left Pulse aleft hbpulsetime W@ delms abreak d15 d5 at blue c" Left Pulse " .cstr then dup h77 - if else \ "w" Left Pulse aleft hbpulsetime W@ delms abreak d15 d5 at blue c" Left Pulse " .cstr then dup h45 - if else \ "E" Break Left Right abreak d15 d5 at blue c" Break L/R " .cstr then dup h65 - if else \ "e" Break Left Right abreak d15 d5 at blue c" Break L/R " .cstr then dup h52 - if else \ "R" Right Pulse aright hbpulsetime W@ delms abreak d15 d5 at blue c" Right Pulse" .cstr then dup h72 - if else \ "r" Right Pulse aright hbpulsetime W@ delms abreak d15 d5 at blue c" Right Pulse" .cstr then dup h54 - if else \ "T" Right Continuous aright d15 d5 at blue c" Right " .cstr then dup h74 - if else \ "t" Right Continuous aright d15 d5 at blue c" Right " .cstr then dup h41 - if else \ "A" Up Continuous bleft d29 d5 at blue c" Up " .cstr then dup h61 - if else \ "a" Up Continuous bleft d29 d5 at blue c" Up " .cstr then dup h53 - if else \ "S" Up Pulse bleft hbpulsetime W@ delms bbreak d29 d5 at blue c" Up Pulse " .cstr then dup h73 - if else \ "s" Up Pulse bleft hbpulsetime W@ delms bbreak d29 d5 at blue c" Up Pulse " .cstr then dup h44 - if else \ "D" Break Up Down bbreak d29 d5 at blue c" Break U/D " .cstr then dup h64 - if else \ "d" Break Up Down bbreak d29 d5 at blue c" Break U/D " .cstr then dup h46 - if else \ "F" Down Pulse bright hbpulsetime W@ delms bbreak d29 d5 at blue c" Down Pulse" .cstr then dup h66 - if else \ "f" Down Pulse bright hbpulsetime W@ delms bbreak d29 d5 at blue c" Down Pulse" .cstr then dup h47 - if else \ "G" Down Continuous bright d29 d5 at blue c" Down " .cstr then dup h67 - if else \ "g" Down Continuous bright d29 d5 at blue c" Down " .cstr then dup h58 - if else \ "X" Toggle Tracker tracker d15 d6 at blue trackerflag W@ if c" On " .cstr else c" Off" .cstr then then dup h78 - if else \ "x" Toggle Tracker tracker d15 d6 at blue trackerflag W@ if c" On " .cstr else c" Off" .cstr then then dup h03 - if else \ ctrl-C to exir blue d1 d12 at exit then drop \ drop the unused test character 0 until ; \ the 0 makes the loop go forever \ ( unless interuped with a clrl-C ) \ ------ end words added to PropForth for H-Bridge Driver -----And run it:
testThe H-Bridge schematic
This driver starts out by setting up the NCOs to output 10KHz. Note this is a different method than what I posted earlier.
Anyway the GUI was needed to automate the operation of these H-Bridges.
The next step is to get the operation of the LED sensors incorporated in the GUI.
One more question. How can I get the GUI to "Auto Start" after a reset or power up?
Duane J
Well I guess I've been told I don't know enough to help anybody yet, but this might be of interest to you
There is a PropForth word called term that has a feature that traps a CNTL-F to break out of a loop.
In order to monitor its input it simply uses key, not key? or otherwise fancy. The trick is that it duplicates key for one copy to be passed on and the other copy to be trapped for testing.
There are two version of this term word available.
The latest one is in the v5.03 Propforth tutorial 3.2. I suggest that is the better version though both use the dup key phrase in a loop to get throughput.
I think this could be adapted to do a lot of handy keyboard trapping. But it does put an extra cong in the line of communications. I suspect you are hanging up because you do not have dup involved... so you bottom out the stack.
However, this sounds like it needs to use key so it will hang until a terminal replay. That's not acceptable because the main loop processes will not be continuously serviced.
Duane J
I think you can do that, just write your new shell to do what you want and then if it doesn't get the special keys, it just goes to the main interpreter or loops forever. You're on the right track with the words you have called out. I don't have any snippets but we can figure them out.
Don't forget, you have those (up to) 6 other COGs sitting there waiting for work to do. Why not start the requested function in another COG and go back to your GUI loop looking for more work?
This sounds cool!
I ha some idle time coming up, I'll take a QuickStart with me and play!
As I see it, this could be done with a single forth word. Like this:
That's a separate issue, I'd still need the key thing though.
I would appreciate that.
Duane J
pfth has a program that works like FullDuplexSerial in Spin. It has an RXCHECK word that will return -1 if there is no received data, or it will return the next byte if one is available.
Or you could write your program in Spin.
Basically it returns 2 stack entries:
1, It pushes a character code onto the stack defaulted to d256 if no key is pushed.
2. It then pushes a true/false flag.
My solution was to drop the t/f flag and leave the character code which is tested in the main loop for things to do.
Thanks Dave for giving me the clue. I had tried fkey? before but I couldn't make it work.
Duane J
Good work!
I don't know if this will help or not but this is the only way I can code anything (I can't remember the words and stack effects half the time)
I copy all the .f files into one directory and then use this word index I created to look up words I need or am unsure about. The index has the stack effects correct in most cases (if they were documented consistently) and points to the places the word is defined if you need to go look it up and read some Forth.
Duane J
Another way to handle a bunch of options like you want is using an execution table. Look for execute in Pygmy forth for an example of the concept. We take the execution address of A-WORD with the TICK mark word
and save the address into and array.
Then we set up and enumeration evaluate for a bunch of actions, and jumpe to offset 0 for the first one, 1 for the next, etc (sorry no example, look in pygmy again)
The fkey? word it athe one you want I think, I does similar to key? but not the same, hence the different name. I use it to make an Abort on Escaope word in my test loops.
: onrest3 MyWord ;
Is how to define cog3 to start a word when it comes up.