NOW: Pololu Sale
Posts: 20,259
Oops, I just checked, their sale started midnite WEDNESDAY, not midnight tonight, so it's a Thanksgiving day sale, not Black Friday.
Those Dorks messed everything up.
Still good stuff left, I just got a 3pi and Wixels.
Now GIT!
Those Dorks messed everything up.
Still good stuff left, I just got a 3pi and Wixels.
Now GIT!
Don't know. I use them for point to point wireless serial links. They have about a 50 foot range and can wireless program a Propeller chip.
I have a plan to get them working with a BS2, but it is back burnered at the moment. You can definitely use them as a wireless serial debug link off the shelf with any mcu.
It appears that RSSI is available according to this:
These are cool! Simple to use, I'm grabbing 4 for fun.
Wondering if I got another set and could make a repeater sort of a setup to stretch the distance. Hum... Love BF shopping in my slippers!