Worlds oldest original working digital computer gets a reboot
Ron Czapala
Posts: 2,418
Computing has come a long way. Take a look at this clip of the Harwell Dekatron, otherwise known as the Wolverhampton Instrument for Teaching Computation (WITCH). The supercomputer from 1951 was restored over a period of three years by experts at England's National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park. This week, they rebooted the beast in front of reporters.
And what a beast it is. The world's oldest original working digital computer is the size of a garage door and resembles something from a campy science-fiction flick about Martian invaders. True its functionality is rather modest by today's standards (it can multiply two numbers in less than 10 seconds, for example), but darned if it isn't impressive to watch. Lights blink, tubes whir and switches flicker.
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I wonder how much of a radiation burn you could get from that device.
I know people like that!
I don't think they do. In order get any kind of meaningfull X-rays out of a tube you are going to need to put 10 or 20KV across it. Here is a nice account of doing just that
That particular computer is using dektron tubes that light up between 400 and 600 volts. My bet is that they are X-ray free, no more dangerous than a neon lamp. Normal computer triodes probably run at about 200v so no worries there I think. Besides dekatrons don't realy have a "top end" like a thermionic valve.
I might be more worried about sitting next to a neon display sign in a bar which do seem to have power supplies up in the 10 and 20Kv range.