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Choosing wheels that wont break the bank? — Parallax Forums

Choosing wheels that wont break the bank?

rwgast_logicdesignrwgast_logicdesign Posts: 1,464
edited 2012-11-22 07:47 in Robotics
So right now im on some 4 3/4 hollow plastics they work well but the traction is not great and the motors are so strong at high voltages it causes alot of spining out becuase the wheels wont catch. I plan to mostly use the robot in my house which is all hard wood, and then mostly on dirt and carpet. I want to go up to six inch wheels with about a 1.5 inch width. When I was looking at all the dirt wheels for RC car that big they were getting pretty pricey from 50 to 120 per set. Airplane wheels are much cheaper but dont have any treads and id like a bit of paddle at least so I can get through the sand.

I found these things today, ya there dog toys but there 6inche and 3 bucks a pop, Im wondering if these would just be an aw full choice and if so maybe someone can point me in the right direction, im also using a chair style caster maybe that could be improved idk...

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