Overpriced Alligators
Posts: 20,259
I just got a popup ad for these $9 test leads from the Shack: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062660
Who are they kidding? That's nearly a buck a lead. For some WIRES. The end is near, they've lost all shame and common sense.
Hmmm. These "roach clips" are still $3 on Ebay. Feels like they should be under two bucks shipped. http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-Double-ended-Test-Leads-Alligator-Crocodile-Roach-Clip-Jumper-Wire-5-Color-/110960228811?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d5beb9cb
Has China cornered and manipulated the test lead market? First rare earth magnets, now this?
Who are they kidding? That's nearly a buck a lead. For some WIRES. The end is near, they've lost all shame and common sense.
Hmmm. These "roach clips" are still $3 on Ebay. Feels like they should be under two bucks shipped. http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-Double-ended-Test-Leads-Alligator-Crocodile-Roach-Clip-Jumper-Wire-5-Color-/110960228811?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d5beb9cb
Has China cornered and manipulated the test lead market? First rare earth magnets, now this?
I suppose that if you really are still building and testing with alligator clips, the price is about right. But I don't think you can hot wire a care with them anymore.
There is just enough insulation included to really get one into trouble and burn down the house.