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jumping bots, boston dynamics sand flea? — Parallax Forums

jumping bots, boston dynamics sand flea?

rwgast_logicdesignrwgast_logicdesign Posts: 1,464
edited 2012-11-14 17:00 in Robotics
So im sure most people have seen this sand flea robot that can jump like 30ft..

now obviously most of us dont have the kind of recourcers or know how to make boston dynamics quality robots in are garage. but im really curious how you could make a bot jump over things. i was thinking hydrolics or something but this bot is just way to small how are they doing this. how hard would it be to make a bot jump 2 or 3 feet? nevermind the stabalization system im just curious if someone has a brainstorm on how to get a small robot even jumping


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