Chip of the Week
Posts: 20,259
Amazing new processors are coming out faster & furiouser than I can keep up with. I just saw this new kid on the block in November SERVO (finally got a copy). ARM, compiled BASIC, floating point, 10+ million lines per second...
Usually if something sounds good to be true...
Usually if something sounds good to be true...
Impressive if true. With a 50MHz clock, 3 stage pipeline, and the Basic lines compiled (possibly even to byte code) that might even be possible as an average or for specific lines of code.
True, but the basic interpreter/compiler/whatever could be programmed into the chip, or compiled and downloaded to it from a PC.
Funny theres that whole other thread about the dip8 cortex and this chip is already out and with more pins, digikey isnt stocking the 28pin dip but mouser is
pretty good deal at 2.25. The more I see this the more im tempted to just give up on AVR
DIP28-600 wow - Did the die not fit in a DIP28-300 ?
It's been a long time since I saw a 600 mil DIP 28.
Those 8 bit Micros still have a wider Supply range than NXPs offerings.
lol check this out some has cut this to a 300 mill chip
Here is a PCB I designed for the DIP28 LPC2114:
And since it runs Basic out of the box and is in a Dip package , it's going to do well with hobbyists.
Definite competitor for the BS2 and PicAxe.
Now if Coridium could port the Basic Compiler to the PIC32 in DIP28 package he'd have a lot of hobbyists banging on his door.