PropBasic on Prop 2 easily doable?
Posts: 677
Just throwing a thought out there - Propbasic has been a fantastic way to easily throw together very fast simple algorithms. It's also a great tool to learn how PASM works. It would be great to have a Prop 2 version. What say you Bean? I also want to express my personal gratitude to you for creating Propbasic.
For example I looked at the instructions in the "Propeller 2 Detailed Preliminary Feature List". Then I looked at Chip's monitor code. He used some instructions that were not listed.
After there is some non-preliminary documentation and I can get some of the chips to try, I'm sure I'll be working on it.
I haven't seen anything about LMM on the prop 2 except that it is somewhat optimized for it.
For the most part it will be just changing the instructions that are different (and maybe adding a couple like RDQUAD, WRQUAD).
I'm looking forward to it...