Will there be Forth on the Propeller II?

I suppose the easiest would be for Dave Hein as all he has to do is to wait for a GCC compiler, but I am just wondering if TachyonForth and PropForth have given any thought to this being an eventual upgrade.
Yes. Propforth on the prop 2 will likely be propforth 6 (propforth 5.3 is final version for prop 1). From what we know about prop 2, it apears porting should be straighforward.
Propforth 6 is not yet official, but would target the prop2. Based on what we know of prop2, the port from prop1 to prop2 should be straight forward. we had hoped for more cores, but more memory will do. the primary difference then would be adding an option of traditional software multitasking to cogs that are not concerned with deterministic execution.
so the answer is yes, thought has been given, plans have been made, design is underway, just waiting on the hardware. but don't tell anyone this is still secret, like forth itself