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BOE Shield-Bot - Arduino Mega 2560 - StartResetIndicator upload fails (times out) — Parallax Forums

BOE Shield-Bot - Arduino Mega 2560 - StartResetIndicator upload fails (times out)

graham_bgraham_b Posts: 1
edited 2012-11-11 02:53 in Robotics
I'm using a BOE Shield attached to an Arduino Mega 2560 and entering code using Arduino 1.02 on a PC running Win7 32 bit. I'm working through the tutorial at I've reached Chapter 3 Activity 3 ( Everything has worked before that point.

I now find I am unable to upload the StartResetIndicator sketch, whether I type it or use the version provided in the download for this chapter. Other sketches still upload and function fine and the simple circuit with the piezo buzzer seems to be OK, as it operates when I paste

tone(4, 3000, 1000);

into the RightServoTest sketch.

I don't think the instructions for the activity make explicit which position the 3-way power switch on the Bot should be in but I note that it needs to be in position 1 to provide power to the breadboard. I have the batteries as well as the USB cable for programming connected. I am unsure whether the breadboard is powered has any relevance to whether a sketch will upload. I suspect not.

I'd welcome suggestions as to what might be the issue which results in StartResetIndicator failing to upload, whereas other sketches still upload without difficulty.

Also, if anyone reading this knows, I'd be interested to know whether there's a way to cancel an upload attempt which is not working and, if not, whether it can do any harm to pull the plugs to remove power whilst an upload is being attempted and taking an awful long time.

At present, when an upload is not working, I am removing power as the only way I know to cancel the upload. If I don't remove power and try to upload a different script, I'm told the Arduino's COM port is in use by another program. I'm unsure whether the reset button on the BOE would help in these circumstances. I think there's a reset button on the Arduino Mega 2560 but don't think it's accessible.
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