nintendo ds, usefull parts?

so i literally just walked by a garage sale and picked up a "working" nintendo ds without charger for 5 bucks. i got it becuase i thought it had some usefull stuff in it, lime the lcds or something but all im seein is sparkfun selling the touch screen. so is that about it for reusable hardware in this thing?
The good news is that you'll have lots to choose from...
(Including cheap LCDs touch membranes, batteries and all sorts of stuff)
Please note that there's several different DS models, and the same plug won't fit all.
i was hoping i could interface the screens to a prop or something, looks like the touch panel is well documented i thought the lcds were too, but i cant find much.
i also know theres an arm7 or 9 in there which i was hoping would be would load linux and have a uart and some gpio
[URL=""]This[/URL] article might help.