String or list channel numbers on PSCU
Carol Hazlett
Posts: 312
I have a 6 legged, 3DOF spider type walker using a BS2 and 2 Prop Servo Controllers. I want to have a custom starup mode that will have the robot in a standing position when powered on. Right now I just have the servos going to center when powered on. I have changed the start up to PM1 as per the instruction manual. My question is, is there a way to list or string the channel numbers so I can give a certain value to several at once? The line in the manual is for changing channels 0 to 31 all to the same value, but I would like only 12 channels of one value, 3 of another and three of another value. Or is the only way to do each channel one at a time? Will that even work? The channels are not sequential so I cannot batch them as the instructions show, I am reluctant to rewire them to be numbered in a batch as that would make working on the walking gaits rather difficult.