Tomorrow is it....

Tomorrow is the last chance for you to have your say. Whatever side of the isle you fall on or straddle is of no interest to me or anyone else after the fact. Every citizen has the right and responsibility to vote in this country, so if you have not, just do it.
Uh oh, I hear claws coming out, but tomorrow, I am going out to hire and fire a bunch of politicians.
Gotta scram,
Uh oh, I hear claws coming out, but tomorrow, I am going out to hire and fire a bunch of politicians.
Gotta scram,
If anyone doesn't know where to go to vote, find out here. Type in your address, and it'll tell you where the polling place for your voting district is.
You know, on some forums, even mentioning voting, much less anything specific for or against any of the candidates, is grounds for banning?
Of course, that is mostly on forums with a large percentage of international members...
Absolutely! For your local elections.
One of the write-in candidates for President on my state's ballot is Santa Claus. I think it's part of a Norwegian conspiracy, though, so I'm not voting for him.
Been doing that for thirty years. It seems to make not much difference how I vote or who gets elected. What should I do now?
I feel your pain being of the minority here in sunny CA. Just keep it up and resist the tempation to fall into complete apathy.
I'll be glad when it's over.
Our poor little mailbox has also been bursting at the seams with political...stuff. (see? self-censorship, right there!). Makes me wonder how many tables, chairs, baseball bats, and other Really Useful Items could have been made instead.
Voting is a complete waste of time and only serves to give credibility to the "winners". It's like having the prisoners "vote" for the warden, then telling them they got what they voted for.
If you could really change things by voting...They would have outlawed it a long time ago.
Funny how we get a day off work for stupid "columbus day", but our "most important duty as a citizen" does not warrent the same.
Man, don't pop my bubble like that. I like having the illusion that I have control over the local issues that affect my school system, local bridge repair, and whether or not the local fire department continues to operate or gets axed again by "They." I know "They" are in control over everything that happens and I am completely powerless, but you don't have to go and spoil it for me, do you?
I'm going with the latter interpretation; and I hope that more young people, especially, realize that it is important and that they can make a difference.
"most important duty" should have been in quotes. As voting is so unimportant that it does not even warrent a holiday from work.
Okay, you MAY actually have a little control over local issues.
If you haven't voted at least once this election season, go out there and vote!
The yahoo news social media is a great place for lunatics.
Some of it is marginally entertaining. Most of it is just sick.
I love the way they atack each other for spelling errors
Thank goodness we only have a few crazies around here.
Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2008
Overall, 131 million people voted in 2008, a turnout increase of about 5 million people since 2004. During this same 4-year period, the voting-age citizen population in the United States increased by roughly 9 million people.
I'm not sure that's true. Maybe we should vote on that. Surely They would let us raise our hands.
So ironic
Re: Vote or not.
I personally hope you do. We have to live with the product of the civics, whether or not we participate in them as voters. Seems a freebie to me. I also hope you all invest some small amount of time in your civics. Local, State, National. The really good stuff happens on a movement basis, and a quick look through history sees solid people with good ideas bubble up from the local politics. And it's all like a decision tree. Everybody gets excited about the national election. It's the first branch in a big decision tree. lean this way, or that way. From there, all the local work bubbles up into Congress where the sub-decisions get made.
I was actually most excited about our local city council and State Rep races. Coupla good people in there, who I think will do some things that improve daily life. And the city council has a surprising impact! My little town runs great. It does so because of those people, along with the Mayor. Those votes show up in life sometimes a lot more than the votes on the big decisions do.
Anyway, that's my take on it. I'm in UT today, on a loooong business day ending home to settle in, surf that "series of tubes" and gawk at the talking heads on the tele, ideally with a late dinner, some light chatter with Mrs, and bed.
I was "using the Forth" last night in the hotel room with my Prop, and that kind of makes the trip easier to bear. The talkers were too much, turned 'em off so I could play, then sleep.
So, yes. Please vote, if you can.
I read this morning about Ohio's arcane and fault plagued state-wide recount process. I think the trigger number is if voting is within 1/4 of 1% - about 180,000 votes. There is a 10 day period to process and verify provisional ballots and then there was another 10 days for something else.. They said it could be 23 to 25 days before a recount is made official.
I think some of the other swing states have similar processes - it could make people wish for hanging chads all over again!!