Piezoeletric Song For Merry Go Round
Posts: 82
Hi everyone. I need a song for the Merry go round i am building and need to have it tommorow. I f you have something Say So please!
Once you have the song in EEPROM by whatever means, it's nothing for a micro controller to sequentially read the EEPROM and present the data to some output pins.
When you said you needed a 'song' I assumed that you had the hardware to support playing the song. Tell us what you have so that we can better assist you..
That aside, if you want this by tomorrow, I would suggest getting the song sheet for that song, or whatever song you like. ...convert that into the proper tones that a BS2 can generate. Since you have essentially two voices on the BS2 when it comes to generating frequency, you could stagger the frequencies slightly to create a smoother sound.
There are programs already out there for the BS2 where you can just enter the notes. but at the moment I can't put my hands on them. I have seen them in the forum though.
I use the S2's GUI to enter music and sounds I want a Propeller to play and paste the generated code into my larger program. I haven't used the original Scribbler, but maybe it has a GUI that would make it easier to enter music.