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BS2 No communication with Ubuntu 12.04, Wine or Terminal — Parallax Forums

BS2 No communication with Ubuntu 12.04, Wine or Terminal

ep7570ep7570 Posts: 2
edited 2012-10-30 13:40 in BASIC Stamp
After a week of trying to get my BS2 (Discovery Kit board) working on Ubuntu 12.04 and failing to do so, it's time to call for help. Here is the info:

My BS2 uses the USB/serial interface.
OS is Ubuntu 12.04 with Wine 1.4

I have tried to communicate with the board via the Basic Stamp Editor and it complains that it can not find any usable COM ports, even though I think that I have configured Wine and Ubuntu correctly for ttyUSB0 (verified permissions, etc.). Too, I have loaded the Parallax USB driver along with the Editor software. Has anyone been able to get this configuration working? If so, how?

I have also tried to talk to the BS2 via a terminal (puTTY 9600,8,N,1). I can send commands to the board and the LED's seem to acknowledge that something is being received, but DEBUG "Hello world!" returns nothing to the PC. I do not mind having to use a terminal interface to program the BS2, but I can't seem to get that to work either. Has anyone been able to get this to work? If so, how?

I have looked at the Linux programming offerings and they seem to be very old and outdated. Questionable at best, especially re support. I would very much appreciate any help that I can get. Oh, and I am probably best described as computer semi-literate and BTW I programmed my first computer in 1963. Long live Fortran IV!


  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,660
    edited 2012-10-24 13:49
    I don't think Wine knows how to emulate COM ports, usb or real. Parallax released stamp tokenizer libraries for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I'm sure somebody has used it to make a simple command-line interpreter that uses these libraries. I could do it but I'm too busy right now and barely use stamps anymore. How is Linux programming "old and outdated"? C is still the industry standard for computer programming, and works better on Linux (i.e. simpler to use, no stupid headaches) than on Mac OSX or Windows. As for support, there are many forums that will answer all of your C on Unix questions (Linux is a type of Unix). Do you know C? You could probably write a simple program to use the libraries in less than 100 lines of code if you do, however, I don't think the libraries will program the stamp for you, they will just tokenize the code.
  • ep7570ep7570 Posts: 2
    edited 2012-10-30 13:40
    OK after a lot more tries, I finally found the magic combination of things that worked! I now have the Basic Stamp Editor running under Wine on Ubuntu 12.04. It required all of the things documented on this post : and in addition it was necessary to add myself to dialout. In a terminal do the following : sudo gpasswd -a username dialout Where username is your home directory username. This combination worked just fine, but remember to be sure that the comport.reg file gets copied into your .wine directory.
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