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Simple connection with the use of XStick?? — Parallax Forums

Simple connection with the use of XStick??

elenaelena Posts: 5
edited 2012-10-22 09:47 in Accessories
Hi! Please help me! I am a beginner for this XBee.

What I did...
1. Use XBee Wireless Pack.
2. Using this code and connection method.

BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board


' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

' Requires remote XBee in loopback mode (DIN connected to DOUT)
Baud CON 84 ' 9600 baud non-inverted
Rx PIN 15 ' XBee DOUT
Tx PIN 14 ' XBee DIN
temp VAR Byte ' Temporary variable

PAUSE 500 ' 1/2 second pause to stabilize

DEBUG CLS, "Type a character: " ' Prompt for character
DEBUGIN temp ' Catch user response
SEROUT Tx, Baud, [temp] ' Send to transmitting XBee
SERIN Rx, Baud, [temp] ' Get echo from receiving XBee
SEROUT 16, Baud, [CR, "You entered: " , temp] ' Display result
PAUSE 1500 ' Wait 1-1/2 seconds

3. The problem is here! The example I did is with the use of USB Cable.
If I want to use this simple code, Is it possble to replace the USB cable to XStick ZB AT?
A little modification to the code is fine.

Please help! Thanks A Lot!


  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,658
    edited 2012-10-21 01:51
    The Xstick comes in several versions, and the one you need in order to communicate with the modules in the wireless kit is the Xstick 802.15.4.

    The XStick ZB and XStick ZB AT also sold by Parallax are compatible only with the XBee Zigbee modules.

    Can't you use the module you have with the USB adapter?
  • elenaelena Posts: 5
    edited 2012-10-21 20:07
    My main aim project is to communicate it without using any wire except for power supply.

    The modules can work with the USB Cable. But i want to change the USB Cable to XStick ZB AT.

    Do you have solution to let the XStick ZB AT to be communicated to the modules?
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,658
    edited 2012-10-21 22:51
    Unless someone else has an idea, I think either way you will have to buy something...

    2) Buy an XStick 802.15.4 and use it with your existing XBee 802.15.4 modules.
    1) Buy an XBee Zigbee module and use it with the XStick AB AT.

    I recommend that you stay with the 802.15.4 modules until you understand a lot more about the ins and outs. There is no compatibility between the two types of modules. Is a trade-in possible?
  • elenaelena Posts: 5
    edited 2012-10-21 23:28
    Thanks A Lot.

    I'll try to continue find the solution. Because my teacher know how to connect it. But he want me to find the answer out. The only clue he gave me is the things he gave me.

    But anyway, thanks a lot.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,658
    edited 2012-10-22 09:47
    Okay, good luck with your assignment. Please teach us the trick!
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