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Basic Stamp 1, USB - broblems with terminal — Parallax Forums

Basic Stamp 1, USB - broblems with terminal

vilmattivilmatti Posts: 1
edited 2012-10-18 11:01 in BASIC Stamp
Hi, I have problems with terminal; all the DEBUG information will appear as nonsense text when using Teraterm terminal program or Basic Stamp editor program: Run => Debug => New
When select the right port and with all of variations, still the response is nonsence. But if I take Run => Run (or F9), and upload the new program, all works ok. The response text is as should be.
From that debugger the settings are:
Com port 9, Baud Rate 4800, Parity None, Data Bits 8, Flow control Off, DTR checked, RTS unchecked. All works,

BUT if I open that Debug terminal Run => Debug => New with same settings OR with Teraterm with same settings response is nonsense.

I have also changed From windows XP device manager port settings => Advanced => BM Oprions from 16 => 1.
Also no help.

What could be the broblem?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2012-10-18 11:01
    The Basic Stamp 1 uses a different DEBUG technique than the Basic Stamp 2 models and this only works with the Stamp Editor's DEBUG window or a PC program made specially to decode the DEBUG information. Look at Nuts and Volts Column #20 (here) for details and examples.
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