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blue tooth how to handle incomming / outgoing messages — Parallax Forums

blue tooth how to handle incomming / outgoing messages

Kris CardoenKris Cardoen Posts: 46
edited 2012-10-16 12:58 in Accessories

I have an easy blue tooth device installed on my propeller board of education. I have connected via my PC using java, and I am able send commands and receive in both directions using "Parallax Serial Terminal Plus"
I'm not an expert but I wonder if I can send and receive at exact the same time using the blue tooth device without having problems?

I use the code below to start my code

pst.StartRxTx(0, 1, 0,9600) , not sure about the mode selected?

Any help would be appreciated

PUB StartRxTx(rxpin, txpin, mode, baudrate) : okay{{Start serial communication with designated
pins, mode, and baud.

  rxpin    - input pin; receives signals
             from external device's TX pin.
  txpin    - output pin; sends signals to
             external device's RX pin.
  mode     - signaling mode (4-bit pattern).
             bit 0 - inverts rx.
             bit 1 - inverts tx.
             bit 2 - open drain/source tx.
             bit 3 - ignore tx echo on rx.
  baudrate - bits per second.
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