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Transparent Prop-Clock with Sensors — Parallax Forums

Transparent Prop-Clock with Sensors

Prophead100Prophead100 Posts: 192
edited 2013-01-23 15:19 in Robotics
This is my latest project: a " see through" clock with sensors in the 1960's invisible man style. A vacuum florescence display (VFD) gives it a nostalgic look. It has a TAOS light sensor, BMP050 barometer/temperature, DHT21 humidity/temp sensor and real time clock running. It also uses the solar object to calculate input light where the sun is, how hot it is and when important times like sunset are. It also does things like calculate which naval watch and the number of ships bells that represent the time

Its all wired in and all the sensors and objects work. So far the main code (see attached) has the light sensor, RTC and solar object incorporated. I still need to move over the code for the other sensors....
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  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2012-10-16 09:29
    Nicely done. It's good to see finished projects. I never seem to be able to actually complete most of the ones I start. I think some kind of contrast filter in front of the VFD might be something to consider.
  • Prophead100Prophead100 Posts: 192
    edited 2012-10-16 22:01
    The filter is a good idea. I thought about using the blue translucent box but it looks nice as clear. One of the nice things about the VFD is that it can dim. The light sensor allows the display to sense the brightness of the room then adjust. With the filter it might be even nicer.
  • Prophead100Prophead100 Posts: 192
    edited 2013-01-04 18:30
    Well.. Its the final (for now) version is done and working.... The code could be optimized more but its clear. I also had to rebuild the board after using an unregulated power supply and frying the eeprom. Its a bit like the ice tube clock but cheaper to make and customizable. For those interested... ...the code and photos are attached. Its probably a great project for the new USB Protoboard.
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  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2013-01-05 09:47
    Very cool PropHead100..:thumb::thumb:
    I like the sunset time feature..

    Where did that pretty little clear case come from?

    Thanks for sharing. :smile:

  • Prophead100Prophead100 Posts: 192
    edited 2013-01-05 15:36
    Ttailspin wrote: »
    Very cool PropHead100..:thumb::thumb:
    I like the sunset time feature..

    Where did that pretty little clear case come from?

    Thanks for sharing. :smile:


    The case came from Parallax (# 721-32212). It fits the board and display perfectly with access to the programming port, switch and power. The only modification needed was to replace the 1.5" stand-offs with a 1" & 1/2" to hold the display firmly up off the board but still within the case. The DHT sensor wire just slide out the programming port hole.
  • NikosGNikosG Posts: 705
    edited 2013-01-06 09:56
    Nice project Gregg!!!

    A X-Y base with a laser on top, which can target the Sun’s position according the time and a compass module in order to help the base to find the correct orientation I think is the ideal next step for this project! (This is exactly what I’m trying to do this period).
    Thanks for your code! It will help me a lot when I start the software tests with my device.

    Best wishes for the New Year and have a very productive 2013!

    Happy new year Parallax and all the forumistas!!!
  • mhataymhatay Posts: 2
    edited 2013-01-22 15:02
    I found your project doing a search for Ships bells.
    I want to use either a Arduino or Basic stamp to build a ships bell clock.
    I intend to use a real ships bell with an electro mechanical ringer.
    I would also like to include a day and night mode for ring intensity and naval watches.

    I am more mechanical / electrical skilled rather than programming. Great at stuffing boards but really bad at programming.
    I was hoping to find an existing program that I could study, learn and modify for my needs.
    Unfortunately I haven’t come up with much yet.

    You mentioned in your original post that your clock calculated Naval watch and ships bells from the RTC.
    Are you driving anything like a solenoid ,loud speaker or buzzer or are you putting it on an display?

  • Prophead100Prophead100 Posts: 192
    edited 2013-01-22 21:32
    NikosG wrote: »
    Nice project Gregg!!!

    A X-Y base with a laser on top, which can target the Sun’s position according the time and a compass module in order to help the base to find the correct orientation I think is the ideal next step for this project! (This is exactly what I’m trying to do this period).
    Thanks for your code! It will help me a lot when I start the software tests with my device.

    Best wishes for the New Year and have a very productive 2013!

    Happy new year Parallax and all the forumistas!!!

    ... I am working on a Japanese version now. If you do your project with Greek, let me know... Thanks
  • Prophead100Prophead100 Posts: 192
    edited 2013-01-22 21:51
    mhatay wrote: »
    I found your project doing a search for Ships bells.
    I want to use either a Arduino or Basic stamp to build a ships bell clock.
    I intend to use a real ships bell with an electro mechanical ringer.
    I would also like to include a day and night mode for ring intensity and naval watches.

    I am more mechanical / electrical skilled rather than programming. Great at stuffing boards but really bad at programming.
    I was hoping to find an existing program that I could study, learn and modify for my needs.
    Unfortunately I haven’t come up with much yet.

    You mentioned in your original post that your clock calculated Naval watch and ships bells from the RTC.
    Are you driving anything like a solenoid ,loud speaker or buzzer or are you putting it on an display?


    I didn't control a solenoid, buzzer or speaker on this project but it is certainly within the abilities of the Stamp or the Propeller (What I used) . I did have it run control lines for a sunrise indicator that could easily run a mosfet or relay. If you take the code above and add a little detail it could easily run a solenoid to make the double ring pattern on a real bell or simulate it on a PA system. Its open code, so feel free to reuse it.

    The Stamp did really well running 15A solenoids for on an underwater ROV for me. The Propeller, however, could actually do more for you with less work. It can run the clock, run solenoids, run relays and do more complex sounds for feeding into a PA system and run a video screen. For example, the attached file uses the Prop to generate signal flags on video. If your doing a naval clock, you could also match it with the flags. Some folks find the propeller more challenging but there are some create tutorials that could get you going with SPIN code. Good luck either way.

    Gregg (Prophead100)
  • mhataymhatay Posts: 2
    edited 2013-01-23 15:19
    Thanks for the quick response,
    Time to hit the tutorials!
    I will go over your code .and hopefully (with time) it will make sense
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