BS2 to BS2SX
Posts: 3,629
After doing some research I see that it is possible to connect 2 or more BS2's to work together. My question is, can the same be done with 1 Ea. BS2 and 1 or more BS2SX's?
How are you conceiving them "working together"?
I know, I should use a Propeller. However, I know PBasic pretty well and spent a lot of timing learning it and I want to get this bot going. I have Propeller chips and demo board. I am learning Spin but do not have it down as well as PBasic. Once I have everything going with the Stamps and PBasic I will convert over to the prop. I want to learn as much as possible by working with both stamps and the propeller.
If you are going to communicate serially between the 2, keep the speeds below 9600 to receive reliably, and even slower if your code isnt in hurry.
Also, if one of them is going to only receive data from the other, make the faster one the receiver.
You should also probably consider the bs2p if you haven't yet purchased the bs2sx, it has more commands available to it, including 1wire devices.
It also has a command called SPSTR - which is ideal for receiving small strings of data, it receives them and puts them straight into ram.
@NWCCTV This is a great idea I wasnt sure about this untill I read here. It will help me with my bigger robots once I learn the language for the BS2. Insted of learning the Prop Just use more BS2's and break the robot up into sections. Now i have to learn about serial communication.
Again thank you for all the info you have provided. I am only looking at only 2 at most 3 BS2's but that is a way off for me. I have to crawl before I run. but I'm learning.