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HELP...Ghostbusters proton pack — Parallax Forums

HELP...Ghostbusters proton pack

bullwinkle777bullwinkle777 Posts: 3
edited 2012-10-20 05:31 in Propeller 1
Hello everyone,
I need some help. I'm new to the Propeller chip and programming. I'm trying to program the lights for a buddys Proton Pack. A few years ago I did the lights and sound fx for it using a 555 and a 4017 for the lights and a small sound chip for all the fx, but I'm wanting lower the amount of batterys he has to use, plus the propeller is much more cooler! It uses less power and you have more control over the project. You can see it on YouTube if you search "brettfields", it's labeled "My ghostbusters proton pack with lights and sound" so you can have an idea as to what I'm trying to do.

I have the code writen, but I have a feeling that its too long and a bit messy because it keeps freezing up on me. It will start back up on it's own, but I know that it shouln't be doing that.

I was hoping that someone here could give me a hand on cleaning it up. I'm new to this and don't know what I need to do.

I have attached the file if anyone has the time to help me out. I would be forever thankful. I would also like for the first part of "Routine_3" to be interupted when the button is pressed. Right now it finishes it's cycle before changing and I have no idea how to get it to do that.

Thank you again!!!


  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2012-10-13 09:09
    Hi Bullwinkl,

    below is the code how I would do it
      'Set up the clock mode
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      '5 MHz clock * 16x PLL = 80 MHz system clock speed
      'you should use constants instead of hardcoded digits
      'this means a little bit more typing at the beginning and much less typing
      'if you want to change numbers. And you can't forget any place because
      'the constant is already in each place you use it
      LED_0  =  0  'use self-explaining names
      LED_9  =  9
      LED_10 = 10
      LED_13 = 13
      LED_19 = 19
      LED_28 = 28
      Speed_1 =  8
      Speed_2 =  1
      Speed_3 = 15
      Button = 15 'use selfexplainig names
      'Globally accessible variables
      long  cogStack1[100]
      long  cogStack2[100]
      long  cogStack3[100]
      long  cogStack4[100]
      long  routine1_cog, routine2_cog, routine3_cog, routine4_cog  
      led:  "Power Cell.spin"
      led2: "4 red leds"
      led3: "4 red leds"
      led4: "4 red leds"
    PUB Main
    ' First public method in the top .spin file starts execution, runs in cog 0
      'Start parallel routines
      routine1_cog := cognew(MySelfExplainingMethodname, @cogStack1) + 1
      you shouldn't use the same longs for different cog-stacks!
      routine2_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_2, @cogStack[50]) + 1
      routine3_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_3, @cogStack[50]) + 1
      routine4_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_4, @cogStack[50]) + 1
      routine2_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_2, @cogStack2) + 1
      routine3_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_3, @cogStack3) + 1
      routine4_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_4, @cogStack4) + 1
      repeat   'main loop - repeats forever
    'names of methods should be selfexplaining
    'use constants for pin-numbers
    PUB MySelfExplainingMethodname | BitPattern
      'dira[0..19]~~   'you shouldn't setup IO-pins that aren't used by the code
        BitPattern := 1
        repeat LED_9 - LED_0 + 1
          outa[LED_0..LED_9] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
          BitPattern <<= 1                     'shift  one bits to the left
          BitPattern := BitPattern + 1         'add 1 to set bit 0 high again
          waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_1 + cnt) 
        outa[0..9] := 00000000     
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt) 
        outa[0..9] := 00000001     
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 00000011
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 00000111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 00001111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 00011111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 00111111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 01111111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 11111111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 11111111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
        outa[0..9] := 11111111
        waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
    PUB Parallel_Routine_2 | BitPattern
        BitPattern := 1
        repeat LED_13 - LED_10 + 1
          outa[LED_10..LED_13] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
          BitPattern <<= 1                       'shift bits one to the left
          BitPattern := BitPattern + 1           'add 1 to set bit 0 high again
          waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_2 + cnt) 
         outa[10..13] := 01
         waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
         outa[10..13] := 10
         waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
         outa[10..13] := 00
         waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
         outa[10..13] := 00
         waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    PUB Parallel_Routine_3 | BitPattern
        BitPattern := 1
        repeat LED_28 - LED_19 + 1
          outa[LED_19..LED_28] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
          BitPattern <<= 1                       'shift bits one to the left
          BitPattern := BitPattern + 1           'add 1 to set bit 0 high again
          waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_3 + cnt) 
      repeat until ina[15] == 1
         outa[19..28] := 00000000
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00000001
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00000011
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00000111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00001111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00011111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 01111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 11111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 11111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 11111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 11111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 11111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 01111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00111111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00011111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00001111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00000111
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
         outa[19..28] := 00000011
         waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
        'this part of the code executes as long as ina[15] == 0
        'the code above will only be executed again if ina[15] <> 0   
        repeat until ina[15] == 0
           outa[19..28] := 00110000
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
           outa[19..28] := 01001000
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
           outa[19..28] := 10000100
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
           outa[19..28] := 00000010
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)        
           outa[19..28] := 00000001
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
           outa[19..28] := 00000010
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
           outa[19..28] := 10000100
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
           outa[19..28] := 01001000
           waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
    PUB Parallel_Routine_4 | local_var1, local_var3, local_var_etc
       'this code runs through and then stops          
       outa[10..13] := 01
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
       outa[10..13] := 10
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
       outa[10..13] := 00
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
       outa[10..13] := 10
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)        
       outa[10..13] := 01
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
       outa[10..13] := 00
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
       outa[10..13] := 10
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
       outa[10..13] := 01
       waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)

    if everything is cleaned up it looks like this
      'Set up the clock mode
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      '5 MHz clock * 16x PLL = 80 MHz system clock speed
      'you should use constants instead of hardcoded digits
      'this means a little bit more typing at the beginning and much less typing
      'if you want to change numbers. And you can't forget any place because
      'the constant is already in each place you use it
      LED_0  =  0  'use self-explaining names
      LED_9  =  9
      LED_10 = 10
      LED_13 = 13
      LED_19 = 19
      LED_28 = 28
      Speed_1 =  8
      Speed_2 =  1
      Speed_3 = 15
      Button = 15
    VAR  'Globally accessible variables
      long  cogStack1[100]
      long  cogStack2[100]
      long  cogStack3[100]
      long  routine1_cog, routine2_cog, routine3_cog  
      long  BitPatternArray[8]
    PUB Main
    ' First public method in the top .spin file starts execution, runs in cog 0
      routine2_cog := cognew(FourRedLEDs_1, @cogStack2) + 1
      routine3_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_3, @cogStack3) + 1
    PUB PowerCell | BitPattern
        BitPattern := 1
        repeat LED_9 - LED_0 + 1
          outa[LED_0..LED_9] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
          BitPattern <<= 1                     'shift  one bits to the left
          BitPattern := BitPattern + 1         'add 1 to set bit 0 high again
          waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_1 + cnt) 
    PUB FourRedLEDs_1 | BitPattern
        BitPattern := 1
        repeat LED_13 - LED_10 + 1
          outa[LED_10..LED_13] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
          BitPattern <<= 1                       'shift bits one to the left
          BitPattern := BitPattern + 1           'add 1 to set bit 0 high again
          waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_2 + cnt) 
    PUB Parallel_Routine_3 | BitPattern, Idx
      'initialise BitPatternArray
      BitPatternArray[0] := 00110000
      BitPatternArray[1] := 01001000
      BitPatternArray[2] := 10000100
      BitPatternArray[3] := 00000010
      BitPatternArray[4] := 00000001
      BitPatternArray[5] := 00000010
      BitPatternArray[6] := 10000100
      BitPatternArray[7] := 01001000
        if ina[Button] == 0                        'if button is NOT pressed LED-bar up / down 
          BitPattern := 0
          repeat LED_28 - LED_19 + 1
            outa[LED_19..LED_28] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
            BitPattern <<= 1                       'shift bits one to the left
            BitPattern := BitPattern + 1           'add 1 to set bit 0 high again
            waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_3 + cnt) 
          repeat LED_28 - LED_19 + 1
            outa[LED_19..LED_28] := BitPattern     'set Output-Pins
            BitPattern >>= 1                       'shift bits one to the right
            waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_3 + cnt) 
        if ina[Button] == 1                        'if button is pressed LED-bar middle / left/right
          repeat Idx from 0 to 7
            outa[LED_19..LED_28] := BitPatternArray[Idx]     'set Output-Pins
            waitcnt(clkfreq / Speed_3 + cnt) 

    best regards
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2012-10-13 09:31
    Looks like Stefan's got you in good shape..

    You might also take a look at Kye's LED object as it has a few more features you could probably take advantage of for this project.

    How about posting a picture of your project? Here's mine. I haven't added the LEDs yet. (Shame on me)

    1024 x 1365 - 162K
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2012-10-13 09:42
    Hi OBC,

    way cool design ! If you aren't a puristic retro-man how about adding sound?
    Especially a voice in robotic style saying "cage-energy down at 10% breakdown in 30 seconds"
    or "he slimed me!" or any other famous sentence from the film (don't remember them. 1985 is too long ago)

    best regards

    P.S.: Edit:OMG these guys spoke a detailed description of the proton-pack into a STARTREK replicator beamed it back through time into history
    and voila: there it is the original proton-pack.
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2012-10-13 09:47

    I wasn't in a hurry to get the audio done as it needs to be uncomfortably loud where this prop is used. (An outdoor parade). I've got the .wav file of the proton pack startup. If I can find a way to get it loud enough to "feel real" and still walk the parade route, it'll be added by next year. :)

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2012-10-13 11:34
    You have a lot of redundant lines of code which means if you have timing change you have to edit a lot of lines. Your routines can be simplified to loops like this
    pub four_red_leds | idx
      dira[16..19] := %1111
        repeat idx from 0 to 3
          outa[16..19] := 1 << idx
          waitcnt((clkfreq >> 1) + cnt)

    I do a lot of LED lighting control for high-end projects built by Hollywood FX and creature creator, Steve Wang. Have a look in these threads

    What I tend to do is use a PWM controller for so I can have brightness levels (Steve likes undulating lights). The main loop launches the animations I want to run and then blends them together as required. We do the blending so that if we want to mix two animations on the same set of lights we can (for example, lightning simulation running over the top of a normal undulating pattern). I've attached fairly simple demo (will run on a Demo or QuickStart board) to show you the structure I use in my LED animation programs.
  • bullwinkle777bullwinkle777 Posts: 3
    edited 2012-10-13 14:08
    Thanks for all your help guys!!!
    I found one problem....I'm an idiot....I uploaded the wrong file, I forgot to save the one I was working on before I uploaded it so it uploaded an older file.

    I did make a few chnges that Stefan said need done, Thanks!!!

    And JonnyMac, I think I'll use you code for the 4 red leds, Thanks!!!!

    Here is link to the pack I did the lights and sounds for.

    Here is right code....
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      long  cogStack1[100]
      long  cogStack2[100]
      long  cogStack3[100]
      long  cogStack4[100]
      long  routine1_cog, routine2_cog, routine3_cog, routine4_cog  
      led:  "Power Cell.spin"
      led2: "4 red leds"
      led3: "4 red leds"
      led4: "4 red leds"
    PUB Main
      routine1_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_1, @cogStack1) + 1
      routine2_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_2, @cogStack2) + 1
      routine3_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_3, @cogStack3) + 1
      routine4_cog := cognew(Parallel_Routine_4, @cogStack4) + 1
    PUB Parallel_Routine_1
            outa[0..9] := %0000000000     
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt) 
            outa[0..9] := %0000000001     
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0000000011
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0000000111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0000001111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0000011111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0000111111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0001111111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0011111111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %0111111111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
            outa[0..9] := %1111111111
            waitcnt(clkfreq/8 + cnt)
    PUB Parallel_Routine_2 
             outa[10..13] := %0001
             waitcnt(clkfreq/2*2 + cnt)
             outa[10..13] := %0010
             waitcnt(clkfreq/2*2 + cnt)
             outa[10..13] := %0100
             waitcnt(clkfreq/2*2 + cnt)
             outa[10..13] := %1000
             waitcnt(clkfreq/2*2 + cnt)
    PUB Parallel_Routine_3
          repeat until ina[14] == 1
               outa[19..28] := %0000000000
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000000001
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000000011
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000000111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000001111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000011111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0001111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0011111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0111111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %1111111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0111111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0011111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0001111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000111111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000011111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000001111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000000111
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
               outa[19..28] := %0000000011
               waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
              repeat until ina[14] == 0
                   outa[19..28] := %0000110000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[19..28] := %0001001000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[19..28] := %0010000100
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[19..28] := %0100000010
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)        
                   outa[19..28] := %1000000001
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[19..28] := %0100000010
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[19..28] := %0010000100
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[19..28] := %0001001000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
    PUB Parallel_Routine_4 
           repeat until ina[14] == 1
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)        
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0000
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
              repeat until ina[14] == 0
                   outa[15..18] := %0101
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0010
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %1100
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0010
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)        
                   outa[15..18] := %1001
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0100
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %1010
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt)
                   outa[15..18] := %0001
                   waitcnt(clkfreq/15 + cnt) 
    Thanks again guys!!!!!
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2012-10-15 10:16
    I teach a lot of programming, especially this time of year when I work with haunted houses and other "dark" attractions. I was just saying the other evening that we should look for redundancies and patterns to make code more efficient. I think this code replaces all of yours -- and uses fewer lines than a couple of your routines. Also, if you want to make a timing change it is FAR easier with this code as there are fewer lines to change.
    pri routine_1 | idx                                             ' launc with cognew
      dira[0..9] := %11_1111_1111                                   ' outputs
      repeat                                                        ' run forever
        repeat idx from 10 to 0
          outa[0..9] := %11_1111_1111 >> idx
          waitcnt((clkfreq >> 3) + cnt)
    pri routine_2 | idx                                             ' launch with cognew
      dira[10..13] := %1111                                         ' set outputs
      repeat                                                        ' run forever
        repeat idx from 0 to 3
          outa[10..13] := 1 << idx
          waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
    pri routine_3 | idx                                             ' launch with cognew
      dira[19..28] := %11_1111_1111                                 ' set outputs
      repeat                                                        ' run forever
        repeat idx from 10 to 1
          outa[19..28] := %11_1111_1111 >> idx
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 15) + cnt)
        repeat idx from 0 to 9
          outa[19..28] := %11_1111_1111 >> idx
          waitcnt((clkfreq / 15) + cnt)  
        repeat until (ina[14] == 0)
          repeat idx from 0 to 7
            outa[19..28] := R3bits[idx]  
            waitcnt((clkfreq / 15) + cnt)
                    word    ' force alignment
    R3bits          word    %0000110000, %0001001000, %0010000100, %0100000010
                    word    %1000000001, %0100000010, %0010000100, %0001001000
    pri routine_4 | idx                                             ' launch with cognew
      dira[15..18] := %1111
      repeat                                                        ' run forever
        repeat until (ina[14] == 1)
          repeat 8                                                  ' sync?
            outa[15..18] := %0000
            waitcnt((clkfreq / 15) + cnt) 
        repeat until (ina[14] == 0)
          repeat idx from 0 to 7
            outa[15..18] := R4bits[idx]
            waitcnt((clkfreq / 15) + cnt)
                    byte    ' force alignment
    R4bits          byte    %0101, %0010, %1100, %0010
                    byte    %1001, %0100, %1010, %0001

    BTW... you don't need such big stacks as your routines do not call others -- 16 longs for each will be plenty.

    Another tip: When multiplying or dividing by powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) using shift operators is faster/more efficient. Instead of:
    waitcnt((clkfreq / 8) + cnt)

    ...I would do this:
    waitcnt((clkfreq >> 3) + cnt)
  • bullwinkle777bullwinkle777 Posts: 3
    edited 2012-10-20 05:31
    JonnyMac thank you so much!!! That's just what I needed!!
    I'm just learning this coding stuff, I always just used hardware to get things to do what wanted. This is much more fun and uses less space!

    Thank you to everyone that help!
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