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basic stamp & large H-briges — Parallax Forums

basic stamp & large H-briges

Carl RCarl R Posts: 10
edited 2012-10-10 02:08 in BASIC Stamp
Hi I'm hoping that someone could help out a bit. I built a H-bridge using IRFP054N mosfet that i got from a wheelchair controller that didn't work right. The H-bridge works good controlling a 500W brushed motor F/R with 12V, although it's suppose to be 24V that i have not yet tried. The trouble I'm having is figuring out how to run the mosfet, the gate-to-source voltage shows +-20V and if that's the case i would need a transistor to handle 20V source and a 20V drain with a variable gate of 1.4V to 5V so the basic stamp can control it. I can't seem to find information on high power H-bridges for brushed motors, or is there a different way to control these mosfit. I'm still new to all of this. I found the mosfits at Jameco.

IRFP054N mosfet.

H-brige 11.jpg
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