You Tube search results and video tags
Out of curiosity I decided to do a You Tube search on the keywords Arduino, Basic Stamp, Picaxe, and Propeller Chip. Basic Stamp yielded about 4,480 results, Propeller Chip about 481 results, Picaxe 5,540 results, and Arduino about 101,000 results. Now there's probably a quantity versus quality dynamic, but that's a whole lot of Arduino videos.
So I looked at the keywords on my videos and realized that many of them didn't mention either Basic Stamp or Propeller Chip, so I properly tagged my videos with those keywords. It might be a drop in the ocean, but I figured properly tagging couldn't hurt.
So I looked at the keywords on my videos and realized that many of them didn't mention either Basic Stamp or Propeller Chip, so I properly tagged my videos with those keywords. It might be a drop in the ocean, but I figured properly tagging couldn't hurt.
"Parallax Propeller" has about 1000 hits where
"Propeller Parallax" has about 420 hits
... You need to do something like ...
+Propeller +Parallax ... which yields about 1,200 no matter which order
Is the Propellerino the supersymmetric partner processor to the Propeller?
OK that was bad string theory joke.
I like to use all the tags I can, and sometimes not identify what it is in the video itself. This is in hopes that one fine day, someone will ask, "what is that?"
My YouTube just in case