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How to Append onto Variables?

eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
edited 2012-10-02 06:19 in Propeller 1
I am needing to figure out how to "append" one variable on another variable then send this information out via Serial to a VB program. I have the communication between the computer and the prop working perfectly, but can't figure out how to append variables successfully.

I am using a function that I put together based on this post :

Here is a stripped version of my code.
  BYTE Time_Count_Hours 
  BYTE countpointer
  LONG pulseData[255]
  LONG pulseCount

  long var1
  long var2
  long var3
  byte varall[255]

PUB Main
......... Other code
myArray[countpointer] := AppendVar(Time_Count_Hours, pulseCount)

PUB AppendVar(variable1, variable2)
  var1 := variable1
  var2 := string(":")
  var3 := variable2

  bytemove(@varall, var1, strsize(var1) + 1)
  bytemove(@varall + strsize(@varall), var2, strsize(var2) + 1)
  bytemove(@varall + strsize(@varall), var3, strsize(var3) + 1)

  return (@varall)

So lets say Time_Count_Hours = 22 and pulseCount = 1234.... All that I need to have happen is where it has :
myArray[countpointer] := AppendVar(Time_Count_Hours, pulseCount)

Should turn out to be something like this :
myArray[countpointer] := 22:1234

So when I send it to the computer through the serial communication using this code, the VB program can sort it all out properly. :
    if command == 3
      ' Send pulseData Array
      i := 0
      repeat i from 0 to countpointer
        Ser.str(pulseData[i]) ' not sure if this is the correct way or if I need to add an @ to pulseData
        Ser.tx(",")  ' comma delimited to separate array values in VB program.


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-09-30 21:01
    If you use Tracy's serial object "FullDuplexSerial4portPlus_0v3", you could do it this way.
    Ser.Decx(0, Time_Count_Hours, 2)
      Ser.Decx(0, pulseCount, 4)

    This above assumes you setup port #0 to communicate with the PC.

    The above will output two zero padded digits with the value "Time_Count_Hours", followed by a ":" and then four digits (again zero padded) of the variable "pulseCount".

    Your PC likely wants ASCII characters. The code you posted doesn't convert the variables to ASCII. Most serial objects have a "dec" method that does this converstion for you. In your case, I think you want the numbers zero padded so I chose a serial object that has a method to do this ("decx").

    You could adapt "decx" to use with a different serial object. I'm sure I have a "zero pad" method somewhere in case you don't want to use the four port object (though it's a very good object to learn to use).
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-09-30 21:11
    The problem with doing it that way is I store the information that is sent to the computer until it is called for by the computer. So if the computer is off for a few hours, the information is stored in the array on the prop. When the computer is started back up, the VB program sends "Command 3" to the prop which then tells the prop to send back all information in that array. In the prop program, it keeps track of pulses of a light and stores how many pulses it got in 1 hour. That hour needs to be saved with the pulse count so when the VB program gets that information, it can store that info off site based on the hour the count was saved. Without the "hour" variable, the count information is not usable.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-09-30 21:14
    I found some methods to help if you want to do this the hard way.
    PUB Decx(value, digits, localPtr)
    '' Prints zero-padded, signed-decimal string
    '' -- if value is negative, field width is digits+1
      result := decl(value, digits, 2, localPtr)
    PUB Decl(value, digits, flag, localPtr) | localI, localX
    '' DWD Fixed with FDX 1.2 code
      digits := 1 #> digits <# 10
      localX := value == NEGX       'Check for max negative
      if value < 0
        value := ||(value + localX) 'If negative, make positive; adjust for max negative
        byte[localPtr++] := "-"
      localI := 1_000_000_000
      if flag & 3
        if digits < 10                                      ' less than 10 digits?
          repeat (10 - digits)                              '   yes, adjust divisor
            localI /= 10
      repeat digits
        if value => localI
          byte[localPtr++] := value / localI + "0" + localX * (localI == 1)
          value //= localI
        elseif (localI == 1) OR result OR (flag & 2)
          byte[localPtr++] := "0"
        elseif flag & 1
          byte[localPtr++] := " "
        localI /= 10
      result := localPtr

    Using the above methods, you could load your numbers to a buffer "varall" this way.
    bytefill(@varall, 0, 255) ' clear buffer to make sure you have a terminating zero
      Decx(Time_Count_Hours, 2, @varall)
      varall[3] := ":"
      Decx(pulseCount, 4, @varall + 4)

    Edit: I posted this before seeing your last post. Let me know if you need more clarification.
    Edit again: I just realized there's a better way to use the above code. I'll rewrite the example in a couple of minutes.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-09-30 21:21
    Since Time_Count_Hours may not be 2 characters long and pulseCount may not be 4 characters long, how would I change this to work properly?
      bytefill(@varall, 0, 255) ' clear buffer to make sure you have a terminating zero
      Decx(Time_Count_Hours, [B]2[/B], @varall)
      varall[[B]3[/B]] := ":"
      Decx(pulseCount, [B]4[/B], @varall + [B]4[/B])
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-09-30 21:33
    Since the "decx" method I posted above returns the next address of the buffer being written to, you can use the value as the new pointer. Here's a short program that should do a lot of what you're after.
      DATA_SET_SIZE = 8
      BUFFER_SIZE = 255
      long Time_Count_Hours, pulseCount, globalPtr
      byte varall[BUFFER_SIZE]
    PUB Setup
      ' set up serial and other objects needed
      globalPtr := @varall
    PUB MainLoop
      repeat while globalPtr < @varall + BUFFER_SIZE - DATA_SET_SIZE ' prevent overflow of buffer      
        if 'new data to record
          globalPtr := Decx(Time_Count_Hours, 2, globalPtr)
          byte[globalPtr++] := ":"
          globalPtr := Decx(pulseCount, 4, globalPtr)
          byte[globalPtr++] := "," ' assumes comma delimited
        if ' time to send to computer  
          Ser.str(@varall)  ' send data to computer
          bytefill(@varall, 0, BUFFER_SIZE) ' clear buffer to make sure you have a terminating zero
          globalPtr := @varall  ' reset pointer to start of buffer

    There are of course other ways to do this. You could alternatively save your data in arrays of longs and then output them with serial "dec" or "decx" methods when the computer requests the data.

    Edit: I just noticed I don't have any type of error recovery if the buffer overflows. You'd probably want it to display an error message and wait for the PC to request the data it does have.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-09-30 21:38
    Since Time_Count_Hours may not be 2 characters long and pulseCount may not be 4 characters long, how would I change this to work properly?

    What does your PC expect? The method I posted zero pads the data so the characters used will always be the same. If your program doesn't need zero padded data you could use the method below.

    The "decl" method above will also output non-padded decimal characters. Just change all the "Decx" calls to "Decl" with the "flag" parameter set to zero and the "digits" parameter set to 10 (or the largest number of digits expected). The "globalPtr" should be adjusted automatically for you.

    The methods "decx" and "decl" are methods I modified to send their outputs to a buffer instead of a serial terminal. I didn't write most of it and I still don't understand how it all works (particularly the flags part).

    BTW, you may notice the "decx" method just sets the "flag" parameter (of "decl") to two, to produce zero padded output. If the "flag" parameter of "decl" is set to one, the output will be space padded. (Somewhere, I have a version that takes a character as a parameter and uses that character to pad the output.)

    Edit: I think there are objects in the Propeller Tool library that will do a lot of what I just posted. I think the object "Numbers" (or something like that) have these type of methods. I have a bad habit of duplicating methods that have been done previously (and better) by someone else.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-09-30 21:40
    Here is the whole code of the PROP which I am working with. I am sure you could get a better understanding of what I am working with instead of bits and pieces of my code.
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + pll16x
      _XINFREQ = 5_000_000
      LED = 0
      Sensor = 1
      CountDelay = 10
      SendInterval = 5000
      BYTE countpointer
      LONG pulseData[255]
      LONG pulseCount
      LONG count1
      BYTE Time_Count_Hours
      BYTE Time_Count_Minutes
      BYTE Time_Count_Seconds
      LONG pulsewidth
      LONG PulseCounterStack[100]
      LONG readDataStack[100]
      LONG receivedData
      LONG TimeStack[100]
      long var1
      long var2
      long var3
      byte varall[255]
      Ser     :       "FullDuplexSerialPlus"
    PUB Main
      pulseCount := 0
      Time_Count_Hours := 0
      Time_Count_Minutes := 0
      Time_Count_Seconds := 0
      countpointer := 0
      ' testing only!
      'pulseData[0] := 1234
      'pulseData[0][1] := 267
      'pulseData[0][2] := 12
      'pulseData[1][0] := 5678
      'pulseData[1][1] := 267
      'pulseData[1][2] := 13
      'countpointer := 1
      Ser.start(17, 16, 0, 9600)
      cognew(TimeKeeper, @TimeStack)
      cognew(PulseCounter, @PulseCounterStack)
      cognew(readData, @readDataStack)
        if Time_Count_Seconds == 60
          Time_Count_Seconds := 0
          pulseData[countpointer] := AppendVar(Time_Count_Hours, pulseCount)
          pulseCount := 0
        if Time_Count_Minutes == 60
          Time_Count_Minutes := 0
        if Time_Count_Hours := 24
          Time_Count_Hours := 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * 200 + cnt)
    PUB TimeKeeper
        waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * 1000 + cnt)
    PUB readData | command, i
        repeat until Ser.rx == "#"
          waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * 10 + cnt)
        command := Ser.rx
        if command == 1
          Time_Count_Hours := Ser.rx
          Time_Count_Minutes := Ser.rx
          Time_Count_Seconds := Ser.rx
        if command == 2
        if command == 3
          ' Send pulseData Array
          i := 0
          repeat i from 0 to countpointer
        if command == 4
        if command == 5
          ' Clear pulseData Array
          bytefill(@pulseData,0,countpointer - 1)
          countpointer := 0
    PUB PulseCounter | updated, cnt1, cnt2
      ' 65825 counts per 1 second
      count1 := 0
        updated := 0  
        repeat while ina[Sensor] == 1
          if updated == 0
            cnt2 := cnt
            updated := 1
          outa[LED] := 1
          waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * 10 + cnt)
          if count1 > 0
            pulsewidth := (cnt2 - cnt1) / (clkfreq / 10000) 
          count1 := 0
        if updated == 1
          cnt1 := cnt
        outa[LED] := 0
    PUB AppendVar(variable1, variable2)
      bytefill(@varall, 0, 255) ' clear buffer to make sure you have a terminating zero
      Decx(variable1, 2, @varall)
      varall[3] := ":"
      Decx(variable2, 4, @varall + 4)
      return (@varall)
    PUB Decx(value, digits, localPtr)
    '' Prints zero-padded, signed-decimal string
    '' -- if value is negative, field width is digits+1
      result := decl(value, digits, 2, localPtr)
    PUB Decl(value, digits, flag, localPtr) | localI, localX
    '' DWD Fixed with FDX 1.2 code
      digits := 1 #> digits <# 10
      localX := value == NEGX       'Check for max negative
      if value < 0
        value := ||(value + localX) 'If negative, make positive; adjust for max negative
        byte[localPtr++] := "-"
      localI := 1_000_000_000
      if flag & 3
        if digits < 10                                      ' less than 10 digits?
          repeat (10 - digits)                              '   yes, adjust divisor
            localI /= 10
      repeat digits
        if value => localI
          byte[localPtr++] := value / localI + "0" + localX * (localI == 1)
          value //= localI
        elseif (localI == 1) OR result OR (flag & 2)
          byte[localPtr++] := "0"
        elseif flag & 1
          byte[localPtr++] := " "
        localI /= 10
      result := localPtr

    And here is my VB program code :
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Dim receivingdata As String
    Dim incomingdata As String
    Dim receiveInterval As Integer
    Dim currentWattage As Long
    Dim currentTime As String
    Dim count1 As Integer
    Dim Hours As Long
    Dim Minutes As Long
    Dim Seconds As Long
    Dim LastSentCommand As Integer
    Dim LockSerial As Integer
    Dim olddatatest As String
    Dim t4counter As Integer
    Private strDatabaseName As String
    Private strDBCursorType As String
    Private strDBLockType As String
    Private strDBOptions As String
    Private strSQL As String
    Private rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Private cn As ADODB.Connection
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Connect2Chip()
        receiveInterval = 1
        Dim myport As String
        If MSComm1.PortOpen = False Then
        'On Error GoTo No_Connect
        'myport = InputBox("Which COM Port?", "COM Port Selection", "1")
        With MSComm1
          .CommPort = 1
          .Settings = "9600,n,8,1"
          .RThreshold = 1
          .InBufferSize = 1024
          .InputLen = 1
          '.InputMode = 0 - comInputModeText
          .PortOpen = True
        End With
        Timer2.Interval = 100
        Timer2.Enabled = True
        Timer4.Enabled = True
        constatus.Caption = "Connected to Chip"
        incomingdata = ""
        Send2Chip (1)
        If (MSComm1.PortOpen = True) Then
          MSComm1.PortOpen = False
        End If
        constatus.Caption = "Disconnected"
      End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      Exit Sub
      ' Dim response
      ' response = MsgBox("Error: Could not connect.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly)
      On Error GoTo 0
      constatus.Caption = "Failed to connect! Attempt again in 1 second"
      Sleep (1000)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
        If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then MSComm1.PortOpen = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
        Dim incoming As String
        Dim olddata As String
        Dim currentTime As String
        Dim kwhstring As String
        Dim kwharray() As String
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim sqldate As String
        On Error GoTo 0
        If MSComm1.CommEvent = comEvReceive Then
            CommandStatus.Caption = "Receiving Data From PROP"
            incomingdata = ""
                incoming = MSComm1.Input
                If (incoming <> "") Then
                    incomingdata = incomingdata + "" + incoming
                    Sleep (5)
                End If
                If (incoming = "") Then
                    'Exit Sub
                    Exit Do
                End If
            'Label7.Caption = incomingdata
            'CommandStatus.Caption = "Processing Data Received"
            If (Mid$(incomingdata, 1, 1) = "#") Then
                CommandStatus.Caption = "Updating Current Watts Being Used"
                olddata = Mid$(incomingdata, 2, Len(incomingdata) - 1)
                If (Val(olddata) < 0) Then
                    olddata = Val(olddata) * -1
                End If
                'On Error GoTo 0
                If (Val(olddata) > 0) Then
                    pulsecount.Caption = olddata
                    currentWattage = 3600 / (Val(olddata) / 10000)
                    currentwatts.Caption = currentWattage
                End If
                LockSerial = 0
            End If
            If (Mid$(incomingdata, 1, 1) = "S") Then
                CommandStatus.Caption = "Time Synced to Prop"
                LockSerial = 0
            End If
            If (Mid$(incomingdata, 1, 1) = "D") Then
                kwhstring = Mid$(incomingdata, 2, Len(incomingdata) - 1)
                kwharray = Split(kwhstring, ",")
                'sqldate = Format$(Date
                Text1.Text = ""
                For i = LBound(kwharray) To UBound(kwharray) - 1
                    Text1.Text = Text1.Text & UBound(kwharray) - 1 & " : " & kwharray(i) & vbCrLf
                kwhstring = ""
                LockSerial = 0
            End If
            If (Mid$(incomingdata, 1, 1) = "C") Then
                CommandStatus.Caption = "Updating Wh Used"
                Label6.Caption = Mid$(incomingdata, 2, Len(incomingdata) - 1)
                LockSerial = 0
            End If
            incomingdata = ""
        End If
    End Sub
    Function alert(message As String)
        Dim response
        response = MsgBox(message, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly)
    End Function
    Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
        currentTime = Hour(Now) & ":" & Minute(Now) & ":" & Second(Now)
        time_display.Caption = currentTime
    End Sub
    Private Function updateMySql(kwh)
    On Error GoTo Connection_Error
    Dim b As Long
    strDBCursorType = adOpenDynamic  'CursorType
    strDBLockType = adLockOptimistic   'LockType
    strDBOptions = adCmdText         'Options
    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
    Me.MousePointer = 11
    cn.Open ConnectString()
    cn.Execute "INSERT INTO power (watts) VALUES ('" & currentWattage & "')"
        Set cn = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0
    Me.MousePointer = 0
    Exit Function
        'Text1.Text = "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") " & "in procedure Command1_Click of Form " & Me.Name
        'Me.MousePointer = 0
    End Function
    Private Function ConnectString() As String
    Dim strServerName As String
    Dim strDatabaseName As String
    Dim strUserName As String
    Dim strPassword As String
        'Change to IP Address if not on local machine
        'Make sure that you give permission to log into the
        'server from this address
        'See Adding New User Accounts to MySQL
        'Make sure that you d/l and install the MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 Driver or the
        'MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.0 Driver
    strServerName = "****************"
    strDatabaseName = "**************"
    strUserName = "**************"
    strPassword = "*************"
    ConnectString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & _
                    "SERVER=" & strServerName & _
                    ";DATABASE=" & strDatabaseName & ";" & _
                    "USER=" & strUserName & _
                    ";PASSWORD=" & strPassword & _
    End Function
    Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
        Dim sql
        'sql = updateMySql()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
        Label7.Caption = t4counter
        t4counter = t4counter + 1
        If (LockSerial = 1) And (t4counter > 10) Then
            ' restart program if communication lost or times out
            constatus.Caption = "Timeout / Lost connection.  Retry in 1 second"
            Sleep (1000)
        End If
        If LockSerial = 0 Then
            t4counter = 0
        End If
        Hours = Hour(Now)
        Minutes = Minute(Now)
        Seconds = Second(Now)
        If (Minutes = 30) And (Seconds = 0) Or (Minutes = 59) And (Seconds = 0) Then
            CommandStatus.Caption = "Syncing Time to Prop"
            LockSerial = 1
            Send2Chip (1)
        End If
        If (LockSerial = 0) And (LastSentCommand <> 3) And (Seconds = 50) Then
            LockSerial = 1
            Send2Chip (3)
        End If
        If (LockSerial = 0) And (LastSentCommand <> 2) Then
            LockSerial = 1
            Send2Chip (2)
        End If
        If (LockSerial = 0) And (LastSentCommand <> 4) Then
            LockSerial = 1
            Send2Chip (4)
        End If
        'Send2Chip (3)
    End Sub
    Private Function Send2Chip(what As Byte)
        Hours = Hour(Now)
        Minutes = Minute(Now)
        Seconds = Second(Now)
        If (what = 1) Then
            CommandStatus.Caption = "Sending Command 1"
            ' Sync Chip Time to System Time
            MSComm1.Output = "#"
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$("1")
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$(Hours)
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$(Minutes)
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$(Seconds)
            LastSentCommand = 1
        ElseIf (what = 2) Then
            CommandStatus.Caption = "Sending Command 2"
            ' Get current watt usage
            MSComm1.Output = "#"
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$("2")
            LastSentCommand = 2
        ElseIf (what = 3) Then
            CommandStatus.Caption = "Sending Command 3"
            ' Get watt hours stored
            MSComm1.Output = "#"
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$("3")
            LastSentCommand = 3
        ElseIf (what = 4) Then
            CommandStatus.Caption = "Sending Command 4"
            ' Get Current watt hours used
            MSComm1.Output = "#"
            MSComm1.Output = Chr$("4")
            LastSentCommand = 4
        End If
    End Function
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2012-09-30 22:31
    Simpler to split the data into 2 arrays and use the same index value to store the byte data in one array and the long data in the other.
      BYTE Time_Count_Hours[32]
      LONG pulseCount[32]
    PUB AppendVar(variable1, variable2)
      Time_Count_Hours[i] := variable1
      pulseCount[i] := varible2

    When you are outputting the code to the PC you can convert the Time_Count_Hours to ascii digits, insert the :, and convert the pulse_Count to ascii digits.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2012-10-01 19:51
    kwinn, you are a genius! I can't believe I did not think about doing it that way! Thanks!
  • ChrisGaddChrisGadd Posts: 310
    edited 2012-10-02 06:19
    If you still want to keep the hours and pulses together:
      long  Buffer[100]
    ' Store hours and pulses 
      Buffer[i] := Hours << 16 + Pulses  
    ' Send hours and pulses
      FDS.dec(Buffer[i] >> 16)
      FDS.dec(Buffer[i] & $FFFF)
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