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Code Posting

edited 2012-10-08 15:41 in General Discussion

  Operate LED based on switch position

  Demonstrates input and output in assembly



              │    ┫SW1  

         100k │     │

  pin 2────┘     


  pin 3────────┐






  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x

  _xinfreq = 5_000_000



pub Main

  'Launch assembly code into cog 1

  coginit(1, @switch, 0)



          org 0

switch    mov     mask1, #1

          shl     mask1, #2

          andn    outa, mask1    'make pin 2 an input

          mov     mask2, #1

          shl     mask2, #3

          or      dira, mask2    'make pin 3 an output

          or      outa, mask2

:start    test    mask1, ina  wc 'set carry flag if bit set

    if_c  andn    outa, mask2    'button up - LED off

    if_nc or      outa, mask2    'button down - LED on

          jmp     #:start

mask1      res 1

mask2      res 1


  • edited 2012-09-28 15:19
    The 392 ohm resistor is just what I had. I couldn't find any 160 ohm ones which is what I usually use to drive a switch circuit.

    This setup and code is guaranteed to work at my house on my propeller professional development board.
      Operate LED based on switch position
      Demonstrates input and output in assembly
                  │    ┫SW1  
             100k │     │
      pin 2────┘     
      pin 3────────┐
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
    pub Main
      'Launch assembly code into cog 1
      coginit(1, @switch, 0)
              org 0
    switch    mov     mask1, #1
              shl     mask1, #2
              andn    outa, mask1    'make pin 2 an input
              mov     mask2, #1
              shl     mask2, #3
              or      dira, mask2    'make pin 3 an output
              or      outa, mask2
    :start    test    mask1, ina  wc 'set carry flag if bit set
        if_c  andn    outa, mask2    'button up - LED off
        if_nc or      outa, mask2    'button down - LED on
              jmp     #:start
    mask1      res 1
    mask2      res 1
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2012-10-06 15:01
    (Xandy) !

    . .

    Post Coding
    beeeeeep beep-beep
  • edited 2012-10-08 15:41
    some code here
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