Has Mike Green ever posted a question?
I have the utmost respect for Mike Green and I'm sure if he was in a room full of noisy Parallaxians and he cleared his throat everyone would get quiet in expectation of some words of wisdom. Mike seems to know the answers or where to look for them. This makes me wonder if Mike has ever posted a question? And also if he has who could answer that question?

Found one!
Before Wikipedia I was desperate for good short reference information on electronics and computing in Taiwan. Try living in a place where English language libraries are hard to get to and you will love it.
I should have added, this does not happen very often.
Even though Mike has to look at a new data sheet on occasion, he is always 10 minutes ahead of me. He can extract info out of those sheets like a superhuman.
(As can Phil)
I met Mike Green at an expo a year or so ago, and can attest to the fact that he is just as cool in person.
(and yes.. Santa DOES EXIST.. as does Mike Green)
You guys read intelligent quotes in Morgan Freeman's voice.. I read them in Mike Green's voice.
Okay, it is question, but:
NWCCTV, you may be on to something. Perhaps Mike is short for Mycroft Holmes......
It'd surely be a doozey...something like solving the graphene problem.
(I read on that MIT newsletter just a while ago that someone in Norway
has discovered how to make transistors using graphene..goodby silicon..?)