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Quadcopter for sale — Parallax Forums

Quadcopter for sale

heliboyheliboy Posts: 18
edited 2012-09-29 19:55 in Robotics
I have a completed quadcopter. Build quality is good but I had very little success in flying it. It is not stable. Alttude hold is a joke and any tiny mishap results in parts damage. Willing to let it go for $ 200.00 + postage. No battery or radio gear but otherwise completley assembled (no small feat in itself). Also some leftover crash kit parts. If you want Spectrum 6DXi + receiver + LiOn battery to have everything ready to go add $400.00. This is a steal, but I am sick at it staring at me in the basement.

My friend has a AR drone. He flies it from his phone. Amazingly easy to fly. No fear about killing somebody with exposed rotors. Going to get me one.


  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2012-09-26 20:16
    You may want to put this in the Classifieds section.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-09-27 03:41
    Is this an ELEV-8? If so, what kind of motors does it have (there have been at least two different kinds used in the ELEV-8. What kind of ESCs does it use?

    You mention parts damage. What parts are damaged? Are any of the Al tubes bent?

    A picture would be nice.

    I recently built and flew an ELEV-8 myself. While I really like my ELEV-8, I think it would be pretty hard for someone, without RC helicopter experience, to fly one.

    I'd suggest anyone wanting to learn to fly a quadcopter practice on a simulator before acutally flying their aircraft.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-09-29 19:55

    I have another question about your quadcopter. If this is an ELEV-8, besides which motors came with the kit, I'd also like to know which controller board it has. I think some kits came with the HoverFly Sport while others came with a HoverFly Open board.

    If you're at all interested in giving your ELEV-8 another chance, I'd be glad to walk through setting it up with you. I recently came down with a severe case of quadcopter fever and I've gotten to know my ELEV-8 very well.
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