Quadcopter for sale
I have a completed quadcopter. Build quality is good but I had very little success in flying it. It is not stable. Alttude hold is a joke and any tiny mishap results in parts damage. Willing to let it go for $ 200.00 + postage. No battery or radio gear but otherwise completley assembled (no small feat in itself). Also some leftover crash kit parts. If you want Spectrum 6DXi + receiver + LiOn battery to have everything ready to go add $400.00. This is a steal, but I am sick at it staring at me in the basement.
My friend has a AR drone. He flies it from his phone. Amazingly easy to fly. No fear about killing somebody with exposed rotors. Going to get me one.
My friend has a AR drone. He flies it from his phone. Amazingly easy to fly. No fear about killing somebody with exposed rotors. Going to get me one.
You mention parts damage. What parts are damaged? Are any of the Al tubes bent?
A picture would be nice.
I recently built and flew an ELEV-8 myself. While I really like my ELEV-8, I think it would be pretty hard for someone, without RC helicopter experience, to fly one.
I'd suggest anyone wanting to learn to fly a quadcopter practice on a simulator before acutally flying their aircraft.
I have another question about your quadcopter. If this is an ELEV-8, besides which motors came with the kit, I'd also like to know which controller board it has. I think some kits came with the HoverFly Sport while others came with a HoverFly Open board.
If you're at all interested in giving your ELEV-8 another chance, I'd be glad to walk through setting it up with you. I recently came down with a severe case of quadcopter fever and I've gotten to know my ELEV-8 very well.