"Vintage" Casio SK-1 Keyboard Collectible
Posts: 20,259
I found my 1985 Casio SK-1 sampling keyboard last week and was letting my twins play with it a little. It was fun to get a sample of them giggling and play that back to them, they just laughed harder & harder as our jam session went on. I was surprised to see complete used units that selling on Amazon for $200-$300: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001GGI2YS/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all
It's funny that a few things develop cult followings and appreciate in value while most things just get thrown out.
It's funny that a few things develop cult followings and appreciate in value while most things just get thrown out.
Edit: Sorry, mine is the SK-10. I guess my plans to get rich off of it are out the window!