Portable Electronics Bench or Lab in a "briefcase"
Posts: 535
I am looking to create a "luggable lab" (think secret-agent style way cool brief case). In the top half of the case would be functional, and smallest possible, collection of common test equipment (scope, supply, signal generator). In the bottom half would parts bins, small soldering station, hand tools storage -- you know an efficiency version of the "regular tools" that are used for prototyping. I am also envisioning a "flat pull out" that can be removed after the case is opened that has a bread boarding surface supply posts, etc.
Has anyone heard of such a thing? If not, does anyone at least have a line on small form factor lab gear that can be "made to fit" in a "just larger than average" briefcase?
Has anyone heard of such a thing? If not, does anyone at least have a line on small form factor lab gear that can be "made to fit" in a "just larger than average" briefcase?
Page 87: A portable mini lab
Kinda like this: Deluxe Electronics Equipment Case with Cart @ http://www.tuff-cases.com/equipment_cases.html
but this is pretty neat too @: http://www.mezzi.com/Black-Rolling-Briefcases/MEZZI-Traveler-Edition-Roller-Aluminum-Black-Laptop-Case/
this looks a bit promising as a "space saver" @: http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_695025_-1
this "optional item" could be fun to include if I were to kick up the temperature allowance on the cc @: http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2143451_-1
this looks like an almost must have (my current scope is like a planet compared to this) @: http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2137449_-1
this little beauty is much smaller than my current function generator, but not sure @: http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2137414_-1
but here is where I am having the "most trouble" . I'd like a nice supply, but size and weight matters. Here the ones that are currently in the "candidate pool" @:
now, if only money were "no object" (or would that be a null-object in design-pattern-parlance [grin])
like++. This is along the lines of what I am thinking of.
Pretty close.....but not quite......still digging
- I recently saw Ben Heck at an after-Maker Faire party with his 3D printer in a briefcase. Neat!
- A briefcase robot that follows you would also be very cool. Maybe not from the TSA's perspective, but what a neat business meeting gizmo to bring along!
- Spring for the case you want, not the one you can afford. Do it once, do it right!
Wish I had time to participate in this project. You guys have all the fun.
Ken Gracey
Now there are some words to live by, for sure.....I think I'll start shopping for that bright red ferrarri now too.
The Xprotolab is the first mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) with a Spectrum Analyzer and Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) in a DIP module. It measures only 1 x 1.6 inches, and can be mounted directly on a breadboard. The Xprotolab can also be used as a development board for the AVR XMEGA microcontroller.
[edit: their larger one might be more practical - http://www.gabotronics.com/product-info/xminilab-pictures.htm nice if it had a TFT display though ]
that plus one of those little mini scopes should get me enabled to do tinkering while i'm vagabonding about.
EBay for the most part. I guess a lot of it would be personal preference. If you have a Lowes nearby they have pretty good tools in case you do not want to go the EBay route. I have purchased a couple aluminum cases on EBay and was happy with them. You can get the hard foam from any upholstery shop and cut to size with an electric knife. Use your imagination and you can create pretty much whatever you want to YOUR liking. When I first started my CCTV portion of my business I bought one and set up a complete video surveillance demo case. It had my laptop, 2 wireless camera receivers, power supplies that had the connections mounted to the case so I could just plug everything in from outside the case. I had 2 wireless cameras mounted inside my truck. I could go to a perspective client and within 5 minutes I would have everything up and running for a good demo of how the software/hardware I was selling at the time worked. I did not do away with it until pretty much most all cameras could be viewed on a cell phone and I went that route for my demos. The point is, as I said before, use your imagination. Velcro and double sided tape works wonders for this type of project.