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H-briges — Parallax Forums


Carl RCarl R Posts: 10
edited 2012-10-09 16:39 in Robotics
Hi i'm hoping that someone coud help me out I"m still pretty new to all of this. I bought some hovaround motors for a wheelchair the motor came from the Shihlin Electric&Engineering Corp. Motor specs are, I also picked up a wheelchair controller for a different brand chair it worked but the speed controler did not work. I unsodered the mosfet and only fried one, found a new one at Jameco.
The mosfet specs are, I would like to build my owen H-brige to run the motors and use a basic stamp to control it. I googled H-briges and found a page with a bunch of designs for small motor but not for the bigger motors. Can someone give me a good design that can use my mosfits. It wood be greatly appreciated. Im looking to turn this into a big BoBot that I can ride too.

Thanks, Carl


  • AImanAIman Posts: 531
    edited 2012-10-09 16:39
    How much do you know about bridges? Are you familiar with them or are you totally new to them?
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