Calibrate_All.BS2 and the Dir bit, or is it an array.
I'm pretty familiar with Phil's Wheel_Motion.bs2 code because I've re-used it a number of times and really dug into how it works. But the calibration code is a bit of a black box, so I decided to try to understand it. After reading through it I realized I was confused because the variable Dir is defined as a bit as follows:
Dir VAR Bit 'Direction index (FWD or BAK).
Now in some places it is used as a bit:
Dir = CCW 'Direction is counter-clockwise.
But in other places it is used as an array like this:
How does this compile? What happens at run time? I'm am throughly confused by it.
Here's the complete code for reference:
Dir VAR Bit 'Direction index (FWD or BAK).
Now in some places it is used as a bit:
Dir = CCW 'Direction is counter-clockwise.
But in other places it is used as an array like this:
How does this compile? What happens at run time? I'm am throughly confused by it.
Here's the complete code for reference:
'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} '========[Calibrate_All.BS2]=================================================== 'This program performs several calibration functions, depending on how it's 'started: ' 1. A single (normal) reset causes calibration data to be dumped to the debug port. ' 2. Pressing reset twice in rapid succession causes the servos to be continuously ' pulsed with 1.5ms pulses, so they can be nulled. ' 3. Pressing reset three times in rapid succession calibrates the wheel servos. ' For each servo AND FOR each direction it calculates the correct pulse widths ' for sixteen equally-spaced velocities. It stores the 64 byte values thus ' obtained in the first 64 bytes of the Stamp's EEPROM. The Boe-Bot needs to be ' sitting on a flat, smooth surface for this operation. (See documentation.) ' 4. Pressing reset four times in rapid succession obtains the data necessary for ' calibrating the angular rate constants. It reads the output from a photoresistor ' at each of 256 minimally-spaced angles and stores the word values obtained ' in locations 64 - 575 of the Stamp's EEPROM. This data is later downloaded by the ' PC program Calibrate_Angle.exe, which performs an autocorrelation to determine ' how many pulses (to the nearest 1/256th pulse) in a complete revolution. The ' Boe-Bot needs To be sitting on a flat, smooth surface for this operation. ' (See documentation.) 'Written by Philip C. Pilgrim 9 April 2004 '---------[Time constants for various BASIC Stamps]---------------------------- #IF ($Stamp = BS2) OR ($Stamp = BS2E) #THEN NULL CON 750 'Pulse width for 1.5ms pulse. SCALE CON $100 '256 * amount to scale pulses by. #ELSE NULL CON 1875 'Pulse width for 1.5ms pulse. SCALE CON $280 '256 * amount to scale pulses by. #ENDIF '---------[Constants for all Stamps]------------------------------------------- MAXPULS CON 100 'Adder/subtractor (before scaling) to NULL for max speed. RIGHT CON 0 'Constants used as subscripts into bit arrays. LEFT CON 1 CCW CON 0 CW CON 1 FWD CON 0 BAK CON 1 Photo PIN 6 'Photo resistor input. SenseR PIN 10 'Lefthand encoder input. SenseL PIN 11 'Righthand encoder input. (MUST be SenseL + 1.) MotorR PIN 12 'Lefthand motor output. MotorL PIN 13 'Righthand motor output. (MUST be MotorL + 1.) Sense CON SenseR 'Base address for encoders. Motor CON MotorR 'Base address for motors. Pulse VAR Byte 'Current unscaled or nulled pulse value. pPulse VAR Byte 'Previous pulse value (used in interpolation). i VAR Word 'General FOR/NEXT index. Value VAR Word p VAR Byte 'Index into EEPROM table. n VAR Byte(2) 'Encoder counts for both sides. nPrev VAR Byte(2) 'Previous encoder counts for both sides. v VAR Byte(2) 'Next velocity index we're looking for (both sides). nt VAR Byte 'Next encoder count to find, corresponding to v. pt VAR Byte 'Interpolated pulse width to get the desired count. nMax VAR Byte 'Maximum sustainable velocity (encoder count). Prev VAR Bit(2) 'Previous readings from encoders. New VAR Bit(2) 'Current readings from encoders. Side VAR Bit 'Side index (RIGHT or LEFT). Dir VAR Bit 'Direction index (FWD or BAK). Opp VAR Bit Veloc VAR Nib Dist VAR Byte(2) 'Distance for each wheel to travel. Counts VAR Byte(2) 'Encoder pulse countdown for each wheel. '---------[EEPROM table of pulse sample points]-------------------------------- STEPS CON 13 'Pulse points at which to sample servo speeds. DATA @576, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 '=========[Program starts here]================================================ READ 576, i WRITE 576, i + 1 PAUSE 1000 WRITE 576, 0 SELECT i CASE 0 PAUSE 1000 DEBUG "Copy and paste these DATA statements into your BASIC Stamp programs:", CR, CR FOR i = 0 TO $3f IF (i = 0) THEN DEBUG "DATA @0, " ELSEIF (i & 7 = 0) THEN DEBUG "DATA " ENDIF READ i, p DEBUG DEC p IF (i & 7 = 7) THEN DEBUG CR ELSE DEBUG "," NEXT DEBUG CR, "Autocorrelation data for Calibrate_All.exe:", CR, CR FOR i = $40 TO $23f STEP 2 READ i, n(0) READ i+1, n(1) DEBUG DEC n(0) << 8 + n(1) IF (i & 15 = 14) THEN DEBUG CR ELSE DEBUG "," NEXT DEBUG CR, "END", CR END CASE 1 DO PULSOUT MotorR, 750 PULSOUT MotorL, 750 PAUSE 50 LOOP CASE 2 GOTO Calibrate_Veloc CASE 3 PAUSE 5000 FOR i = 0 TO 512 STEP 2 HIGH Photo PAUSE 6 RCTIME Photo, 1, Value WRITE i + 64, Value.HIGHBYTE WRITE i + 65, Value.LOWBYTE Dist(LEFT) = i.BIT1 Dist(RIGHT) = 1 - Dist(RIGHT) Dir(LEFT) = FWD Dir(RIGHT) = BAK Veloc = 1 GOSUB DoMove NEXT END ENDSELECT END Calibrate_Veloc: '---------[Make sure servos are nulled]---------------------------------------- Pulse = 0 'Pulse width is null value. GOSUB Counter 'Count encoders for 256 servo pulses. IF (n(RIGHT) > 1 OR n(LEFT)> 1) THEN Error 'More than one pulse is error. '---------[Find maximum sustainable rotation rate]----------------------------- Pulse = MAXPULS */ SCALE 'Pulse width for fastest speed. Dir = CCW 'Direction is counter-clockwise. GOSUB Counter 'Count encoders for 256 servo pulses. nMax = n(RIGHT) MAX n(LEFT) 'Pick the smallest encoder count. Dir = CW 'Now go the other way. GOSUB Counter 'Count encoders for 256 servo pulses. nMax = nMax MAX n(RIGHT) MAX n(LEFT) */ $F8 'Pick the smallest encoder count * 31/32. IF (nMax <= 1) THEN Error 'If an encoder didn't respond, then error. '---------[Get interpolated pulse widths in each direction]-------------------- FOR Dir = CCW TO CW 'Once for one direction; once for the other. pPulse = 0 'Previous pulse width deemed zero. FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT 'Clear the count and velocity index arrays. nPrev(Side) = 0 v(Side) = 0 NEXT FOR p = 0 TO STEPS - 1 'Index over the sample points. READ p + 577, Pulse 'Get the next sample point. Pulse = Pulse */ Scale 'Scale it for this Stamp. GOSUB Counter 'Count encoders for 256 servo pulses. DEBUG DEC Pulse, ": ", DEC n(RIGHT), " ", DEC n(LEFT), CR FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT 'For both sides... DO 'Do until all interpolations in this section are done. nt = nMax * (v(Side) + 1) >> 4 'Scale nt to nMax. DEBUG " (", DEC nt, ")", CR IF (v(Side) <= 15) THEN 'If v were 15, that side would be finished. IF (nt >= nPrev(Side) AND n(Side) >= nt) THEN 'If nt is between observed values... 'Use linear interpolation to get pt. pt = (Pulse * (nt - nPrev(Side)) + (pPulse * (n(Side) - nt))) / (n(Side) - nPrev(Side)) + 1 WRITE Side << 1 + Dir << 4 + v(Side), pt 'Save pt in EEPROM. DEBUG REP " "\(Side * 10 + 12), DEC Side, " ", DEC v(Side), ": ", DEC pt, " " v(Side) = v(Side) + 1 'Increment to next desired velocity. ELSE EXIT 'Done in this section. ENDIF ELSE EXIT 'Done with this side altogether. ENDIF LOOP NEXT pPulse = Pulse 'Previous pulse width is current pulse width. FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT 'Previous counts are current counts. nPrev(Side) = n(Side) NEXT NEXT NEXT END '---------[Error routine]------------------------------------------------------ Error: 'Error condition detected. Waggle from side to side. FOR n = 1 TO 3 FOR Dir = CCW TO CW FOR i = 1 TO 20 FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT PULSOUT Motor + Side, NULL + ((Dir << 1 - 1) * (MAXPULS */ SCALE)) NEXT PAUSE 20 NEXT NEXT NEXT END '---------[Encoder pulse counter]---------------------------------------------- Counter: FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT 'Get initial encoder states & clear counts. Prev(Side) = INS.LOWBIT(Sense + Side) n(Side) = 0 NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 255 '256 servo pulses. FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT New(Side) = INS.LOWBIT(Sense + Side) 'Get new servo states. IF (New(Side) <> Prev(Side)) THEN 'Different from previous state? Prev(Side) = New(Side) ' Yes: Save new state. n(Side) = n(Side) + 1 ' Increment edge count. ENDIF NEXT FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT 'Pulse both motors. PULSOUT Motor + Side, NULL + ((Dir << 1 - 1) * Pulse) NEXT PAUSE 20 'Delay between servo pulses. NEXT RETURN '--------[DoMove]-------------------------------------------------------------- 'Move RIGHT wheel by Dist(RIGHT) in direction Dir(RIGHT) and 'LEFT wheel by Dist(LEFT) in direction Dir(LEFT) at peak velocity Veloc, 'using ramping and RIGHT/LEFT coordination. DoMove: 'Initialize Counts TO Dist. 'Save current encoder status. FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT Counts(Side) = Dist(Side) Prev(Side) = INS.LOWBIT(Sense + Side) NEXT 'Do for as long as there are encoder counts remaining... DO WHILE (Counts(RIGHT) OR Counts(LEFT)) 'Get new encoder state for each wheel. 'If it's changed, decrement that wheel's Count. FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT New(Side) = INS.LOWBIT(Sense + Side) IF (New(Side) <> Prev(Side) AND Counts(Side)) THEN Prev(Side) = New(Side) Counts(Side) = Counts(Side) - 1 ENDIF NEXT 'For each wheel decide whether and how much to pulse its servo. FOR Side = RIGHT TO LEFT Opp = ~ Side IF (Counts(Side) AND Counts(Side) * Dist(Opp) + (Dist(Side)) >= Counts(Opp) * Dist(Side) + (Dist(Opp) >> 1)) THEN Pulse = (Veloc MIN 3) MAX ((Counts(Side) MIN Counts(Opp)) MAX ((Dist(Side) - Counts(Side)) MIN (Dist(Opp) - Counts(Opp))) << 1 MIN 3) READ Side << 1 + (Dir(Side) ^ Side) << 4 + (Pulse * Dist(Side) / (Dist(Side) MIN Dist(Opp)) + 1 MAX 15), Pulse PULSOUT Motor + Side, NULL - ((Dir(Side) ^ Opp << 1 - 1) * Pulse) ENDIF NEXT 'Pause between pulses. PAUSE 5 LOOP RETURN
I have to confess: I'm just as confused as you are about that. In the code, as written (and I went back to check the original), Dir(RIGHT) is the same as Dir, and Dir(LEFT) is the same as Opp. Now, normally, it's okay to share variables like this when space is tight and the shared variables are not used together. But that's not the case here, and Dir(LEFT) and Opp are used together in the same subroutine. I can only conclude that Dir should have been declared as Dir VAR Bit(2), as it is in Odometry2.bs2. But how the original code has worked for eight years baffles me.
Martin, if it will put your mind at ease, go ahead and make the change to declare Dir as a bit array of size 2. I'd be interested to find out if that changes the program's behavior.
I imagine this hasn't been noticed before because most people just use the calibration program and don't read through it that closely. I was definitely in that camp until I decided to take it apart a line at a time and really understand what was happening. Basically you never understand code until either you've written it, or run it through your head like you're the computer.