easyest way to use a prop based logic analyzer on a 5v system?
Posts: 1,464
so a while back i built a board spefically to use as a standalone logic analyzer running propalyzer. recently ive been doing alot mre experements with the bs2 than the prop since its so quick to band code out
i want to use my LA board to read bs2 signals im wondering what the best option is.. i have some of the octal buffers / line drivers parallax sells 74sn244 i belive. savage circuitz shows multiple ways to connect a 5v system to the prop, i also know alot of people just use a 10k resistors between the bs2 and the prop which is what im hoping will work.
so my question is what the simplest way to use propalyzer with the bs2? im just wondering if all the regular methods will work or if the low output of the bs2 will register as a hi with the prop?
i want to use my LA board to read bs2 signals im wondering what the best option is.. i have some of the octal buffers / line drivers parallax sells 74sn244 i belive. savage circuitz shows multiple ways to connect a 5v system to the prop, i also know alot of people just use a 10k resistors between the bs2 and the prop which is what im hoping will work.
so my question is what the simplest way to use propalyzer with the bs2? im just wondering if all the regular methods will work or if the low output of the bs2 will register as a hi with the prop?
You could pull up Prop inputs to 3V3 with 2k2's or 4k7's or so and feed the 5V inputs via 1N4148's so the circuit-under-test can only pull-down - this has the advantage of working with any voltage from 3V3 up (24V PLCs perhaps?) and working directly with open-drain or open-collector outputs. And 1N4148's are cheap and fast.
1N4001's are not very good for this application. They are power rectifiers. You need a high speed signal diode like the 1N4148 or 1N914.
i was reading through the 74clc244 sheet i dont see anything about time or bandwidth how do you figure out how fast you can drive these chips?
also im curious when working with 74x series whats the difference in hc, vlc, sn etc...
On page 1, you will note the following:
All Ports (5-V Input/Output Voltage With
3.3-V VCC)
Most logic families do not have this feature.
Also, on page 4, note the figures for tpd (propagation delay). With Vdd = 3.3V, it ranges from 1.5 to 5.9 ns. By comparison, the system clock period for the Prop (80 MHz) is 12.5 ns. So this chip should have no trouble keeping up with your Prop-based logic analyzer.
7400 Series TTL Logic Chips (check the second section "7400 series derivative families")
Download this from Texas Instruments:
That is an excellent reference.
I got one of these last year for 10 cents (with free shipping from TI).
Though it's not up-to-date it's still useful.
Is the book still available for fairly cheap? I really would rather have books most of the time
When it was available from TI..cheap. Now available on amazon and ebay...not so cheap.
if i drive oe1 and oe2 high that will set the input side of port1 and port2 into hi z essentially not allowing the ports to recive any data? essentialy i plan to jumper the oe pins hi when the ports not in use if this is true.
the chip says its inputs are 0 to 5v so o can also use this to analyze 1.8 logic?
the output ports are set to vcc so i can translat from input voltage to whatever i set vcc at with in spec? im sorda confused becuase it says vcc is 2.7 to 3.6 in one place and 1.2 to 3.6 in another
The answer to that question is on page 3 of the datasheet that I cited above.
Now, given this information and that from the Propeller datasheet, what could you set Vcc for the 74LVC244 to in order to accommodate 1.8V to 5V logic?
the line driver is going to accept any input voltage between 0-5 volts then shift it to 3.3. athough im not sure of the prop thresh holds and how 1.8 will be read as low thats why ima break the manual out
prop VCC= 3.3 obviously
prop Hi Logic =1.65+ or the top 1/2 of VDD this is correct?
So for a 1.8v system .9+ would be high....
This means a propeller can only detect a 1.8v systems hi if there inbetween 1.65 and 1.8, the prop will detect everything between .9 and 1.65 as logic low. So I guess after this I get a bit confused...
The 74lvc244 doesnt shift any logic levels it just provides a buffer with 0-5v inputs and an out put of vcc. So im probably totlly wrong but I would think the way to go about this is to set the vcc of the line driver to 1.8v and then add pull ups on the inputs so all the high levels would be 1.8 and anything under 1.65 the propeller would detect as 0? this is probabhly totally off?
You could also switch-select the buffer Vcc, depending upon which logic family you're testing (up to 3.3V).
also i got these chips for 45cents there a small fairly easy to use solution so why would someone use something like this
this thing is more money, bigger and requires more than one a hi and low reference voltage..
i kept looking at page3 of my data sheet only to see an internal layout of the chip logic.. i searched for .65 and turned up nothing and i realized that u linked to the ti data sheet while i was using this one from nxp
im using a ti chip but if i were using an nxp would all the info be interchangeable, for common chips like this? why would nxp make no mention of the .65 multiplyer
im glad to hear the ti and nxp parts are probably the same. i have some counter chips i wanted to use and they are NXP, just went with the lowest price on digi key. these are also 74xx logic chips. The reason theve been sitting is becuase NXPs data sheets werent very helpful i couldnt really figure out some of the details maybe ill give the TI sheets a look see, as id really like to use them as a hardware counter for the bs2
the diagram on savage circuits twords the bottom
shows the inputs being pulled to ground, i could make that work.. i dont understand how the current being inputed wouldnt just flow to ground without acuall resistors.